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Tharn is now having an eventful family day, they have guests, His Uncle Boat and Uncle Mild together with their son Techno, Uncle Bright and Uncle Win, with their daughter Chiara and his Twin brother Thorn with his soon-to-be wife Arisa, and his little sister the supermodel Thanya is a bit late, she's on a photoshoot.

As usual, he is being bombarded with too many scoldings and sayings for being a philandering manwhore.

"Tharn, are you even planning to settle down like your twin?" Gulf asks him as he put food for Mew.

"Papa, here we go again, every family day you never miss asking me that." He looks at his Daddy Mew for help.

"Baby come on, don't pressure him." Mew rub the back of Gulf.

"Don't pressure? I am the one who's pressured here Love, you see how many women come and go to my office crying because of him!"  Gulf rolled his eyes.

"Still the manwhore Tharn?" Bright laughed at him.

"Through the years you didn't change, nephew." Win laughed at him.

"What can I say, I am irresistible." He cock his eyebrows proudly.

"I just remembered Techno here was so horrified when you borrowed him as your assistant," Mild said, he almost choke upon remembering it.

"Please darling we are eating." Boat gives Mild water.

"I am so horrified because his girl is screaming like a freaking banshee" Techno snorted.

"How many women have you bedded this past week cousin?" Chiara asked him.

He winks at her "None of your business brat."

"So rude." Thorn laughs at him

"I heard you got a new secretary."

"I hope It's not a woman this time Tharn? I can't go back to your office because your secretary might attack me again like the last time." Arisa pointed at him using her fork.

His latest secretary almost hurt Arisa thinking that she is his girlfriend, gladly his brother followed Arisa there and he prevented it.

"Nah, it's a man. And he is working with me since last week and he is very efficient and trustworthy." He said almost finishing his food.

"Hey, Tharn... slow down, you're staying until night, you owe me a lot of time," Gulf whined as he hold Tharns hand.

Seeing his Papa doe eyes and his Daddy's pleading look, his parents are his weakness.

"Fine, I'm staying.."

"Thank you, son, anyway after this, who wants to play golf?" Mew said.

His Dad became more sporty because of his Papa.

All of them agreed.

"Anyway Arisa, how's the wedding preparations?" Win opened the topic.

"Everything is set Uncle, the reception, the food, and tomorrow we will distribute the invitations."

"That's good to hear, do we have a limited guest?" Bright ask, giving Win some dessert.

"Just five hundred people Uncle."
Thorn answered.

Tharn felt bored, but he already committed to staying. Talking about marriage felt disgusting to him.

He's allergic to that word.

"I wanna have ten pieces of invitations for my friends please Thorn?" Chiara gives Thorn a pleading look.

"Sure, I'll go to your office tomorrow Attorney Vachirawit." Thorn mocks Chiara, earning a glare from her.

While the oldies laugh.

"I want some for our office too, right darling?" Mild lean on to Boat.

"Yes, we want to, maybe twenty pieces." Boat nodded.

"Okay, we will distribute it personally tomorrow, and I also want to see this new secretary of yours Tharn." Arisa had this mischievous smile on her face.

"Oh, guys. The new secretary is Gay." Techno said.

Everyone almost choked.

"So your bisexual ass didn't feel something, dear cousin?" Chiara smirked at him.

"Well, he's kinda cute," He smirked.

"That's it! All your manwhoring blues started with that word." Gulf dramatically leans onto Mew.

"Love, what did I do? How did my son end up like this?"

Mew secretly rolled his eyes. For thirty-five years of being together, Gulf was still very dramatic.

"I'm home! The princess is back!"

Thanya entered the kitchen carrying a box of cake.

"Hi, Daddy, Papa, uncles, and cousins!!"

She kissed all of them on the cheek, one by one.

"And of course, my handsome brothers!"

"I know it, you need cash?" Tharn and Thorn chorused.

"You knew me very well."

Thanya seated beside Gulf, and Gulf put food for her.

"Just a little Papa, my figure!"

"Sundays are cheat days baby, you can burn fat tomorrow... now, eat, how many times have I told you don't work on Sundays." Gulf glared at her.

"Papa, come on. You were like this before, work is work, I'm here now okay... Chill." Then she started eating.

"Oh my gosh Papa, your cooking is very delicious." She said and dramatically close her eyes.

Tharn smiled as he look at his family. Indeed he has a perfect life.

After that eventful family day, he goes home straight because tomorrow is another hella office day. And he will get to see his cute secretary.


This morning was a bit chilly so Type put on a colourful scarf. He likes scarves too much. He got in the office a little bit early so he fix he's boss' table and things before he settled on his table.

His chair didn't heat up when his boss arrived, looking dashingly handsome in his three-piece suit.

"Coffee Type please, no cream and sugar." He said as he go straight to his office.

He immediately makes a coffee with a fast move, knowing his boss' temper.

He carefully carries the coffee and put it on his boss' table.

"What's my schedule for today?"
Tharn eyed him, sipping the coffee.

"Uhmm. You have a board meeting at ten sharp and a luncheon meeting with Mr Tul Pakorn in their restaurant with his husband Max its about the renovation of their dream house."

"Oh, I remember now. Get ready you're coming with me."

"Yes boss, anything else?"

"No, you can go."

But before Type can get out Tharn called him

"Type, next time add more coffee please." Then he winks at him.

Type felt his knees wobble on that wink.

He slowly nodded and get out as he lean his back on the door. Massaging his chest for his rapid heartbeat.

"This is bad."


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