Chapter 43

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"Architect Art Pakpoom Juanchainat." The middle-aged man held out his, so Tharn accepted it out of modesty.

"Tharn Jongcheveevat.." he said.

"I know.. You're quite famous.. Just like your Dad before.." Art said, then he looked at the NICU again.

"Are you friends with my parents?"

"I can't say yes.. Anyway, young man, I'll go ahead.. I'll see you when I see you.." Art waved at him, and he exited the hospital.

Tharn waved back, but he felt something that he couldn't explain on the man. He shrugged his shoulders and erased the thought, and then he went inside the NICU after he talked with the assigned NICU nurse.


Type help Gulf on preparing the dinner when Mew and  Tharn arrived. As usual, the two work together. No matter how much they persuade Mew to stop working because these days he is sickly, but he's not listening.

They are already in the dining table when Tharn opened a very sensitive topic.

"Dad, are you friends with someone named Architect Art Pakpoom Juanchainat?"

Type stop putting food on Tharn's plate when he hears the name. His body went cold, and his face became pale.

Gulf dropped his utensils, and shock was an understatement on him. Who could forget that crazy, he who must not be named guy.

While Mew's face was expressionless.

"We are not friends. Did you meet? How do you know it was him?" Mew remembered that he mentioned the named Art to his children but not the story behind that name.

"I saw him in the NICU earlier, looking at my babies. He said they look just like me." Tharn said while he got the plate of food Type was holding, and he put food on his plate also.
"Eat up, Kitten, you need to be strong enough. Our twins will be home soon. Are you okay? Hey.. You look pale.."

Type nodded, and he smiled fakely.
"I'm okay."

"Is that all he said?" Gulf asked. He stopped eating. He lost his appetite by just listening to that name.
How come that bastard managed to get out of that mental health institution in the US?

Mew noticed Gulf being uneasy.

"I'm not feeling well.. I'll go ahead.." Gulf pushed his plate away and walked out of the dining room.

"I'll just check him out." Mew immediately followed him.

When he reaches the masters bedroom. He found Gulf sitting on the edge of the bed and calling someone.

"Yes, deploy all your available men, agent Run, I'll put BMC under security protocol. Before you can let anyone in, ask for IDs and check for possible weapons or anything. This is urgent." he paused for a while. "Until my grandchildren will be discharged and put some men here too. Thank you."

"Baby.." Mew sat beside him.

"What does that bitch want from us? Is he not tired of his revenge drama?" Gulf balled his fist.

We both know what he wants.. He has someone whom he considered as his own in this household."

Mew said while he hugged Gulf.
"Until when we will pretend that we dont know?"

"Until Type will open up to Tharn, it is not my business to expose him. They are married. And It is not right to interfere. Yes, we are their parents, but this issue is personal and for the both of them. In the meantime, we will heighten the security until Type gains his courage and tells us all the truth. " Gulf said, silently hoping that Type will gain courage to tell Tharn about his life before Art will move.


Jillian was on her way to the construction site.
Her mind came back to the moment her Dad and Mom talked in the terrace,
She still can't accept Type as her sibling. What's with him that he is so lucky? He got Tharn and now her father.

She's about to enter the site gate when she spotted someone looking at the not yet furnished building.

She got out of her car.
"Hey, Mister.. Can I help you?"

"No.. I am just looking at the design. It's amazing.."

"Thank you.. I designed that." she smugly said. It is not the first time that someone has complimented her works but the feeling is overwhelming.

"I'm an architect, too. And I must say. You did a perfect job."Thee man nodded.

Heree's my business card.. Call me if you need something to talk about. Maybe I can help." he handed her a small calling card with his name.

"Wow.. Are you working at SS2 construction? Amazing.. I'll keep this. Thank you."

"Yes, all way back then, I had an early retirement. Good day."
Then, he turned to go.

Jillian followed him in her sight. Then she looked at the calling card.
"Architect Pakpoom.. Hmm."


As per Gulf's order, BMC was put under heavy security. The possible entrances of the hospital are being blocked by trained agents, especially the NICU.
the people are wondering why is that because they know that even though how wealthy the Traipipattanapongs and Jongcheveevats are, they are lowkey and keeping their feet below the ground. No one heard them to be with feud to someone. Their family was very friendly to everyone.

Type was thinking of when he could have the courage to tell Tharn about his past. Tharn has the attitude that he dont like to ask. He's just waiting for you to open up. What if Tharn will be mad at him? What if he can't accept him? What if he will LEAVE him?

Type went cold all over. Why does that old man appear again? He just wanted to be happy. Why fate doesn't want him to be.

The ghost of his past came back on that night and gave him a nightmare.

In his dream, he is tied and abused.
And Tharn was just watching him.

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