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Jongcheveevat Family has a strong bond, and that was shown on how they treated each other. They welcome Josiah as Thanya's boyfriend after bombarding him tons of questions.

They are now eating in the dining room. Jillian called Thanya that she's on her way to join the dinner. Type heard that she was with Thanya in Madrid as she herself is also a freelance model.

Tharn and Thorn were teasing Josiah.

"Brother, tell us how our princess had you hooked up?" Tharn pointed his fork to the smiling Josiah.
Type pulled down his hand.

"Yeah, tell us a glimpse of your whirlwind romance." Thorn did tne same what Tharn did, and Arisa pulled his hand down too.

Arisa and Type exchange glances, and then they both shook their heads. Gulf just laughs by the mannerisms of his sons and the struggles of the two wives.

Josiah looked at Thanya as if asking permission if he could blurt out the story.

"I met her at a fashion show two years ago by a common friend, then after that I somehow like her attitude." Josiah paused.

"You mean her bratty attitude?" Mew chuckled.

"Dad!" Thanya glared at her Father.

"Or her intimidating aura?" Gulf added, and Thanya looked at him with her doe eyes. She can't glare at Gulf. She dont want to suffer the consequences.

"Guys, firstly.. I am not the Princess in this household anymore since Princess Name was born," Thanya is referring to Thorn and Arisa's daughter which is not present tonight because Nong Stu took the turn of taking care of his granddaughter.

"I am now the Queen, and as the only woman in this household except for Arisa, she's by the law, I have the right to be bratty.." she continued.
"Now, Mi amor, tell them why you are here.." Thanya wink at Josiah.

"I personally came here to ask Thanya's hand for marriage." Josiah finally spilt the tea. And he looked at Tharn and Thorn, then his gaze fixed to Mew and Gulf.
"I love her no matter how bratty and bad attitude she had."
Sincerity was audible on his voice.

Type felt happy that Thanya will settle down soon, so as Arisa.

"Well, Thanya is off age. I said to myself that I would never meddle on my children's love affairs." Mew agreed.

Gulf nooded. "Me too.. If you are really sure about it.. Then call your parents so we can settle everything."

"Thank you so much."
Josiah's face was filled with happiness, Thanya got up and hugged Mew and Gulf, and then she hugged her two brothers.

Then she goes to Arisa and Type.
"Let's open the boxes later, I have a lot of presents for the two of you."

"You dont need to bother, Thanya.." Type shyly said.

"No sweat, it's all suitable for a soon to be mother like you. And also you, Arisa. I still expect a baby number two on you." Thanya, sit back and continue eating.

"Well, see about it, Thanya." Arisa chuckled.

They continued eating when Jillian came in.

"Whew, I'm stuck in traffic.. I'm sorry, guys.. I'm late.." Jillian waved to everyone on her free hand while the other was holding a box, and she had a blueprint case on her back.
"I have cinnamon rolls for everyone."

"Jillian, sit down and eat with us." Gulf said.

"I already eat Papa.." she goes to the dirty kitchen and instructs the house helps to prepare plates for the  dessert.

Liz rolled her eyes secretly. She hated this woman ever since, but she doesn't have a choice. She's a family friend.

Type's gaze darted on Jerah's back.
The last time he saw her, she was blonde. Now she's a brunette, and it looks good on her.
She looks innocent.

What he felt now was insecurity. Jillian moved into this household like she really belonged here. The way she call Mew And Gulf seems like she's been calling them Dad and Papa ever since.

He felt Tharn's hand rubbing his back.
He noticed that he had stopped eating.

"Are you okay, kitten? Do you feel uncomfortable? Are our babies moving again?". Tharn whispered on him.

"No, I'm okay, babe. I'm fine." To give  emphasis on what he said, he nodded many times.

Jillian came back to the dining area while Liz was on her back carrying the tray.

"I personally bake this, taste it guys.." she excitedly said. "Oh, by the way, Thanya and Josiah, have you told them?"

"Yes, we did." Josiah smiled from ear to ear.

"I'm sorry, Jillian, darling, but sad to say I am not eating sweets, much better if you put something to compliment the sweetness like chilli powder or chilli flakes, that would be exquisite." Gulf pushes the plate away. As he is smiling to Jillian.

"Really, Papa? I haven't seen cinnamon rolls with chilli powder. " Jillian was amused.

"It's a personal choice dear, you can always put a personal touch to everything, Type knows how to make that." Gulf said.

"Ohh.." Jillian nodded.

Type look up when he heard his name. Then he shyly smiles.
"It's just part of my experiment."

Silence followed, but Tharn broke it by announcing something.
"Anyway, guys, our beans on Type's belly moved already. They are healthy." he excitedly said.

"Wait up..." Jillian stood up.
"You are pregnant?" Unbelievable! He's a man!

"I didn't tell you about it?" Thanya said.

"No.." She sits again like she is really disappointed.

"You should be happy Jillian, your best friend is a father now." Thorn said.

Jillian blink many times. "Of course, well, ahmm.. Yeah.. Congratulations.."
She said, her voice quivering.

"We did it via uterus transplant, and it turned out to be successful. Remember the last time we talked? I will find a way." Type smile at Jillian sweetly.

Jillian was perplexed. Looks like Type already reigns Tharn. She sighed.

"Please tell your parents that they are invited to the engagement party of Thanya and Josiah. It's been a long time since I last saw Bosser and Lani." Mew said while devouring the cinnamon rolls.

"Of course, Dad, they will be thrilled to see you soon." Jillian managed to say. "And, by the way, I came here to give you the last blueprint for the project. I finished it back in Madrid right after our shoot. " She proudly says. She finally found back her lost composure.

"We'll talk about it in the study room later dear.. Tharn.." Mew look at him.

"Yes, Dad.." Tharn knows it already it will be a very serious talk because when it comes to engineering matters, Mew is very serious.

Thorn bring back the topic on how Josiah meet Thanya, and the dinner turn out to be a disaster when they end up chasing.

Tharn joined them and the siblings running around the house like cats and mice.

Josiah, Type, and Arisa exchange glances, and all of them laughed.

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