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It is almost dinner time when Mew and Tharn arrive in the mansion.

Thorn and Arisa are both sitting on the porch, Thorn was carrying their baby on his arms.

Type just wait on the door for Tharn when he sees Tharn's expression turns soft when he looks at Thorn and his baby.

Something tugged his heart, especially when Tharn carried the baby.

Tharn kissed Princess, Thorn's baby, then he handed her to Mew.

Type move closer to him, helping him remove his coat, He kissed Type on the lips, making Type smile a little.

"How are you, Kitten?"

"I'm fine, babe." He forced to smile.

"But you look like you are not."

Type shook his head, Tharn really knows his mood.

Gladly, Gulf came out from the kitchen, and he approached Mew, kissing him on the cheek.

"Hi love, how's the site?"

"Everything is going well, baby." Mew gave the baby back to Thorn.

"Let's eat dinner." Gulf motioned the dining room door. "The food is ready."

They all eat, and their topic was their events that day.

Tharn wondered why Type was unusually silent. Maybe he can ask him later if they are alone.

The night goes on, and after drinking tea in the porch with Mew and Gulf,
Tharn and Type decided to go up to their room.

They are staying here in the Mansion as per Gulf's request, so that he and Type can prepare for the wedding. Arisa agreed so she could also help with the preparations.

Type goes straight to the bathroom, he took a bath and changes in his blue pyjamas.

Tharn did the same as he is tired for the whole day of site visitation.

Type was already lying in the bed when Tharn came out of the bathroom.

He's only wearing his boxers. Usually, if he is like this, Type will gladly hump him, but tonight, he is different.
SO he opted to wear a pyjama the same with Type.

Tharn laid beside him, he lift Type's head and put it in his arms as he enveloped him in a warm hug.

Type nuzzled closer to him, but he remained silent.

Tharn can't help but ask.
"Kitten? Are we okay? Are you upset with me? You're on with silent treatment again." Type uses silent treatment on him if he did something wrong.

"Nothing.." his voice crack. Like he is suppressing his cry.

Tharn immediately lifts his face.
"Kitten? Why? What's wrong?"

"I can see that you love babies.." Type said, avoiding his gaze.

"Yes, I love them, especially my niece. Why is that?"

"I just feel bad for you.. You can't have your own Kid, you can't experience everything that Thorn did for Arisa because you will be tied on me, a gay." Type bitterly said.

"Kitten, come on, dont be nega on me. What do you think Papa and Daddy did to have us? We can do the same."

"You don’t understand." Type look away.

"Then make me understand."

"I want to be pregnant." Type said immediately.

Tharn was shocked.
He is nailed in his spot.

"See? You will not believe it." Type's tears that he is suppressing, fall down like a waterfall.
"It is impossible, I know.."

"Kitten, nothing is impossible if you really want to get pregnant.. We will find a way.. Please, I really hate it when you are crying."

"You will support me in this craziness?"

"Of course, whatever can make my kitten happy.." Tharn held his chin and planted a small swift kiss on his lips. "Don't be sad.. After our wedding, we will find doctors, for sure Papa knew someone in that field."

Type's face immediately lit u. He grabbed Tharn on his neck, and he kissed him hungrily, which Tharn gladly responded.
He break away, and they both breathe heavily.

"I want to see you having a baby bump and walking in a maternity dress." Tharn smirked on him.

Type giggled at that thought.
"Can you endure and be celibate until I give birth? I heard that the process will be long. "

"Of course I can," Tharn touched his lips,
"Your mouth can be of use if i want to."

"Are you sure that you really want to spend the rest of your life with me, Babe?" Type said while he laid his head on Tharn's arm.

"Kitten, eversince you work for me, you know how much of a manwhore I am, planning on having the future with you is the best decision that I make, and I cant imagine my self with anyone else."

Type can't help, but to feel arouse on Tharn's loving words, he moves on top of him.

" Kitten, what are you planning?"
Tharn said, with an amuse smile on his face.

"I want you, Babe." He lift himself on Top of Tharn and graciously remove his pyjama top.

The moment his peaks showed up, Tharn immediately took one nipple and pinch it. Causing Type to quiver.

Type's hands work on removing the buttons of Tharn's pyjama top.

Still clothed on their lower part, Type started to grind on top of him. Basically, dry humping him making their erections rose up and slightly hardened.

"You're such a tease, huh.." Tharn whispered. Then he flipped him on the bed, making Type settled underneath him.

He leaned on to capture his lips, licking and sipping Type's lower lip.
Type gladly open his mouth, allowing Tharn's tongue teasing his own. Their tongue swording and snaking on each other.

Type can't help but moan on Tharn's mouth.

Tharn's hand moved south to pull down Type's pyjama pants, along with his boxers. After he did it, he trailed his hands, touching, pressing, and caressing every inch of Type's body.

Type can only hold his shoulders and pull his nape to make their kisses deeper.

Type's hands move also to remove Tharn's pants, groping on his shaft, making him more hard.

"Fuck me now Babe.." his voice was sultry, wantonly asking for pleasure.

Tharn prepared him using his fingers, stretching him with lube,
Then he lifted Type's legs, hooking them on his shoulders as he rammed inside of Type's tight hole.

"Ohhh.. Fuck.." Type covered his mouth with his hand to avoid moaning loudly.

"Fuck.. Kitten, you're so tight." Tharn grunted when he felt Type's insides squeeze his cock.

His gaze went to Type's crotch and he saw Type's hard on, dripping with precum.

Type was pumping himself fast, while meeting Tharn's every thrusts inside him.

His head is unsteady moving on the pillow, unknowingly where to face for the unbearable pleasure he felt.

"I'm gonna cum babe.. Ahhh.."

After hearing that, Tharn pick up a fast pace, aiming to reach the climax.

Type came first shooting his cum on their chest.
While Tharn came inside him, rapidly squirting inside his hole.

Tharn clean their both body with wet cloth and still naked while hugging each other, they fell asleep.

And that night, Type dream about having a baby, a twins most particularly.

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