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Being a sub doesn't mean that you are always tied, spanked, and punished in the dungeon.
Type enjoys being a sub because Tharn was really a different dom.

BDSM was divided into three categories.
Bondage and discipline.
Dominance and Submission
And SadoMachosism.

Type believes that he was a masochist because he enjoyed it, and he was pleasurized by feeling the pain. But one fact changed him. That fact was Tharn being a Sadist in a way but not as sadistic as he's previous Dom.

Tharn is different. He's oozing with dominance and confidence, but he is the sweetest. The most caring and the most soft Dom that Type ever knew.

He had already moved in with him on his condo. They are now living together in a month, and that month, Type ignored the calls and threats of his foster father.

He's thinking about his foster mother, but He wants to take a break off of his foster father's hold.

In that 1 month, Type served Tharn in every way he could. He prepared everything he needed, his clothes, his food, and cleaning the unit.

They are like playing as a married couple, plus the occasionally sessions in the dungeon.

Like now, Type woke up, but Tharn was not on his side. He looked around and he saw that it was already morning.

Today, they will attend the family day of Tharn's parents. The first time Type will join them.

He is naked because they had a rough night. He grabbed his boxers and wore them as he went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, then he washed his face.

He will cook breakfast.
He headed to the kitchen, but he found out that Tharn was already cooking.

"Babe, morning." Type hugged Tharn from behind.

"Kitten.. I cook already because I thought I tire you too much last night." Tharn kissed him on the cheek.

"Let me do it, pancake, right?"
He stared at the mixed ingredients on the bowl.

"Yup, with whip cream."

"I'll help you.."

"No, sit down there, and I'll do it."

"But Babe, it's my role."
Type grunted.

Tharn turned around and faced him

"I said, sit down, and dont make me repeat my words." he is using his dominant voice.

Type follows like a wounded kitten.
But right after he turned around, Tharn slap his asscheek.

"Stubborn brat!"

Type wince. NOW he just received a slap on his asscheek by wanting to cook for his dom. GREAT.

THARN was just wearing his boxers and an apron. He cooks a few pancake pieces. He put it in front of Type. Then he turned around to get the whipping cream.

He smirked on himself when an Idea hit him. He secretly looks at Type, staring at the pancake.

Tharn lowered his boxers a little, took out his shaft. And put whipped cream on it. He coated it with the whipped cream, and he turned to face Type.

He almost chuckled when he saw his surprise face while looking at his cream coated erection.

"Want to eat a cream coated cock?"
He stand close to him. Type was sitting on the chair in the dining.

He is now facing Tharn's bulging erection.

Then he move to lick the cream around it. He twirl his tongue on each side, licking the cream.

The sweetness of the cream taste good in Type's mouth along with the bittery taste of Tharn's precum.

Tharn hold Type's head and he slammed his cock inside his mouth.

Thankfully Type don't have gag reflex, even if his jaw got numb. He still accepted Tharn's cock inside until it reaches his throat.

"Fuck.. Babe.." Tharn moaned as he repeatedly fucking Type's mouth.

"Hmmm.." Type only manages to moan as he holds Tharn's hips.

A few thrusts and Tharn squirted on his throat, which Type gladly swallowed.

He continued licking and sucking Tharn's cock until it is all cleaned up.

"come on, lets eat.. Papa hates waiting".

"I already swallowed the toppings of my pancake.." Type whined as he talk about Tharn's cum.

Tharn ruffled his hair, "You can have more later."

They eat happily, Type washed all the things that Tharn used. As Tharn gets ready.

Then Type takes time to get ready also, he showered and choose nice clothes to look presentable. He is nervous. He will meet officially the remaining family of Tharn.

"Come on, Kitten, let's go."
Tharn was holding a big Pyrex with Type's baked cinnamon rolls. He baked it yesterday so they can take it now. It was sweet and spicy toppings.

The chocolate syrup on top was sprinkled with chilli powder.

Tharn tasted it yesterday, and it was so good. He dont know how Type did it, but He said that's for his Papa, since Gulf didn't eat sweet foods and he loves spicy foods.

They reached the Jongcheveevat Mansion. Type look around, and he was really mesmerized. The things were expensive looking, and the design of the house was amazing.

Gulf meet them on the main door.
"Type darling.. I'm glad you finally made it today, come in." Gulf hugged him, and Type really felt accepted.

They go inside, and all was set in the dining table except for Mew and his siblings.

Tharn pulled a chair for him.
Type immediately served Tharn. Even though they finished eating breakfast at home, they can't hurt Gulf's feelings.

"Papa, Type made something for you,". Tharn proudly showed everyone his dessert.

"Wow, are these cinnamon rolls?" Gulf gigled.

"Yes, with chilli powder. Type knew that you didn't love sweets, so he put a twist on it." Tharn's voice was proud and bragging. He had a perfect sub.

"Type.. Thank you for this."

"You're welcome, sir." Type nodded and gave him a small smile. He got a fruit tart and put it on Tharn's plate. He also poured coffee on Tharn's cup.

"Call me Papa, wait until your Dad sees this."

Mew came inside, and he is followed by the young model Thanya, and Thorn, Arisa can't make it. She's dizzy and nauseated. It's a pregnancy thing.

"Type, you're finally here.." Thorn said as he seated opposite to them.

"Hello Sir Thorn, Sir Mew.." Type smiled to them.

"Oh, call me Dad now. I can see that my son already got you. Welcome to the family." Mew said as his eyes darted on the Pyrex. "Wow, cinnamon rolls."

Type was touched that he was accepted by Tharn's family.

He felt happy, completed, and contented. But the question is...


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