THEIR EYES LOCKED for a few more moments, that was until a hand was placed on her shoulder, startling her out of her daydream.
She spun around, ready to attack someone or for someone to alternatively attack her.
But it was just the old man.
she winced at the pain that shot through her side, but chose to ignore it, feeling far too exposed in this room of u familiar faces.
He noticed her flinch and discreetly raised his hands, to tell her that it was okay, he was aware of those surrounding her in the kitchen.
"hey honey, it's just me" he said "come on lets get you back to your room, rest is the best medicine he claimed" his smile grew ever so slightly, a mixture of kindness and promise as well as worry and concern.
She didn't need him to tell her twice, begging in the small room with all of those unfamiliar faces began to make her feel nauseous and claustrophobic, so she followed the man back to her designated room for now.
"here just sit down ans i'm going to check you arrow wound, if that's alright with you?" he asked, she nodded and so he smiled greatly, gently unraveling the layer of bandages, revealing her tender, swelling calf.
"i'm hershel by the way, i haven't caught your name just yet" she could tell by the tone in his voice that it was a question.
Taking the hint she replies with "spencer" unsure on what else to say she thought back to hers and Beth's conversation in the kitchen. "nice to officially meet you Hershel" she added, he smiled a wholesome smile immediately making her feel comfortable.
"hershel" she enquired "can i ask you something?" she beckoned
"why of course Spencer, ask away" he spoke softly, focusing on the task at hand. Her fucked up leg.
"we're you a doctor before all of this" it was an innocent question she thought, and then he began to shake his head.
"i do wish, but no i studied veterinary medicine even worked in the clinic itself for many moons" he was proud of what he had accomplished, and that was more than enough to set a small smile on her face.
"cool, i g-guess animals and humans are quite similar, come to think of it" she added trying to ease into a conversation for the first time in many months.
"may i ask you a question?" Hershel insisted.
"of course" she added, smiling down at him.
"what did you do before all this" he asked sweetly.
"um.. not much" she added, her voice going quieter "i was a bartender t-that was it" in her defence, only part of that was a lie.
"perhaps you can mix me up something one day" he joked.
she laughed along with him "perhaps" she added.
"i'm only joking honey, i've got to stay away from the alcohol." he finished, the happy mood somewhat shifting.
"why me too, addiction and all" she snorted, it was no big secret of hers, why she wouldn't bring up the drug aspect of it she was open about the alcohol, proud that she hadn't once needed a sip or a pill throughout the change in the world.
"ah, there you have it, something you and i seem to have in common." he added, with a half smile painted on his face.
"sucks" she finally added, closing that conversation.
"i see you've grown closer to my daughter Beth" he asked, his face beaming with happiness.
"Beth's your daughter, that's so cool!" she exclaimed, never would she have guessed it but it was still cool to say the least.
"yes my little Bethy, Maggies my daughter too.. however i believe your yet to meet her" he quickly added, ensuring the mention of both of his beloved daughters.
"nice" she added awkwardly, not sure how to congratulate him on a family she dreamt of having.
"now, that's all done" he added, standing up from his crouching position in front of her leg.
"now you need to rest up, young lady" he insisted, the parental tone obviously noticeable in his voice.
"as you wish" she added, gettibg into a comfortable position on the bed, careful to not hurt any of her wounds.
She draped the duvet and a blanket over her small frame, as she found herself dozing off, hoping for a night with no haunting memories.
AUTHORS NOTE: so here's another chapter lovelies<3
if your reading this i just want to say a massive thank you and i really hope your enjoying so far xoxo
this chapter is not anything special, but building relationships with other characters is very important!
as well as focusing on my oc herself and her personalityyy :)
please feel free to give me feedback and contribute any ideas or recommendations and don't be afraid to correct me on spellings!
also don't be a ghost reader, i'd love to see you commenting and voting if possible<3