Chapter 80

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~Felix's POV~

I don't really know how I managed to wake up just to Chan's presence. It was like I felt him standing next to the bed. When I opened my eyes and saw him, I was momentarily startled. But when I saw it was just Chan, I calmed down. I looked up at the alpha as he stood next to the bed, facing away from me and towards the nightstand. He didn't even seem to realize that I had woken up and instead was staring down at the sonograms I'd left on the nightstand.

"You don't have to look at them if you don't want to. I didn't lay them out to intimidate you." I rasped softly and reached my hand over to lightly grab his to hold, just as he looked down at me with wide eyes.

"Right..." He mumbled softly, but then he quickly shook his head a little. "It doesn't matter. I don't care. I'm gonna be downstairs--"

"Please talk to me about this." I mumbled softly back, cutting him off. He looked down at me with wide eyes as I held onto his hand tighter. He had nerves and fear written all over his face as I stared up at him.

"I'm not ready to talk." He said, tugging a little on his hand. But I held on and pushed myself into a sitting position and lightly pulled him back.

"I'm not ready either. But we're gonna have to do it eventually. If you want me to abort the pup, then sooner is better." I mumbled, looking up at him nervously. "I'll be happy either way, Chan. It's your choice. It will affect you most."

Chan's eyes fell to our hands, before shifting over to my still relatively flat belly. Then, back up to my eyes. "It won't effect me most. It's your body. Your hormones. Your life. Your future."

I bit my lip a little. "You say that like I'm the only one that would be around."

He shook his head. "That's not what I'm saying. effects you more."

" will still affect you too. Right?" I asked softly. "If I abort it, then...I understand how it wouldn't bother you so much. And I understand that it might cause me distress for awhile, since...I'm an omega, and...I gave up my pup, but..." I curled my lip a little. "You're...more important to me. So...if you don't want the pup, then...I'll abort it if you want me to. It's okay if that's what you decide. It won't change anyth--"

"It will change a lot, Felix." Chan hissed softly. "Don't just consider my feelings in this. It's half yours too. If you want to keep the pup, then just say so."

I averted my gaze. "I don't know what I want. I don't think I want the pup, since...I'm basically a child myself, you know? I'm only nineteen, so--"

"I thought you were eighteen?" He mumbled, scrunching his nose.

"My birthday was a few days ago. Anyway--"

"What? Why didn't you say anything?" He asked with wide eyes. "What day was it?"

"The fifteenth. It was when I was still gone. The day that Changbin hyung and Hyunjin hyung took me to the hospital."

The alpha seemed to wilt a little. "Why didn't you say anything, babe?" He pouted. I frowned a little as the alpha changed the subject, but sighed and shook my head.

"It's not important. That day was emotionally exhausting enough. I wouldn't have wanted to talk about it anyway." I mumbled, but the alpha still didn't look happy.

An ODDINARILY INNOCENT Omega | ChanlixWhere stories live. Discover now