Chapter 114

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~Felix's POV~

I ended up never figuring it out.

No matter how much I tried to think over those few minutes we were in that other room between when he was happy and mad, I couldn't find any reason for Chan to be mad at me. But according to Minho, it was a valid reason.

But I can't figure it out, no matter how hard I thought about it.

And it was painfully obvious that Chan was getting more and more agitated with me the longer that it took me to figure it out. Through out the next day, we argued back and forth until Chan stubbornly went to sleep in our guest bedroom rather than share the bed with me that night.


But no matter what I said or did, the alpha was tight lipped about his anger. And no matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't figure out why he would be mad at me. But at this point, it didn't matter to me as much.

Because I was pretty fucking pissed off at him too now.

After coming home from the after party, we spent the rest of the day ignoring each other. Only being a little petty here and there like closing doors in each other's faces if we crossed paths, or immediately leaving a room when the other entered.

It was like that.

And after yesterday, the day after the wedding, was spent with just us hollering back and forth angrily at each other over the littlest of things, I couldn't find it in myself to even consider an apology. Though how would I even phrase one?

Hey, sorry baby, I have no idea what I did to make you mad, but I regret it. Can we be happy with each other again?

We were at the point of anger with each other that even the angry sex I'd spoken to Chan about before was completely out of the question. We couldn't stand being in the same room together without arguing about something little. And it was driving me crazy.

I wish he'd just suck it up. Since when was Chan so freaking petty?

Though, on the third day that we were fighting, thankfully, I didn't have to stay at the house with him. Since Changbin and Jisung were on leave due to their pregnancies, the alpha didn't have much to do at the office besides produce music. And lately, he'd taken to doing that in our bedroom. So we were stuck in the same house together. But today, one of us had reason to leave.

"Where are you going?" Chan grumbled from his spot on the couch as I grabbed my keys off the hook near the door and slid on my shoes.

"None of your business." I grumbled back as I struggled to tie my shoe laces. Only to hiss frustratedly and kick them off, and snatch Chan's sandals.

"Those are mine." He grumbled.

"I don't care."

"Wear your own shoes, Felix."



"I can't fucking tie the laces, Chan, and I don't have any sandals just lying around. Do you expect me to wear my shoes with the laces untied? What if your pregnant mate trips and falls? You gonna laugh at me?" I spat, glaring at him from the door.

He huffed and looked away from me.

"That's what I thought, asshole." I hissed softly, before I opened the door to leave.

"Tell me where you're going."

"I already said that it's none of your business. You're pissed off at me, so why can't you just leave me alone?" I snapped, glaring back at him.

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