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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Mehek tore the paper angrily in which happy new year was written.

Laying on the bed slowly she tried to close her eyes but sleep wasn't coming. Her heart was banging in her rib cage. Already they had suffered through a lot and now again this new mess.

Her mind and health was also weak at this stage of pregnancy to think calmly and wisely. That's why she didn't want to take any stress which could harm the baby's health but she couldn't forget the things also. She placed her palm above her baby bump trying to calm herself.

She knew that from last few months Adhiraj was becoming impatient to get closer to her and poking her again and again with the topic. It might be just a mere joke or teasing whatever be the reason, his physical needs or some stress reliever he was mentioning it again and again. What if he really tried to fulfill it from others which she was unable to give him right now? What she would do?

No! She couldn't doubt on him. She knew, how much he loved her and wouldn't break her trust ever but then also something was bothering her. Not only for her but also for Adhiraj. What if someone tried to malign his name? What she would do?

These unnecessary thoughts were coming and going in her mind again and again making her restless.

Shaking all these negativity from her mind, she got up from the bed. Then taking her mobile she dialled his number.

"A__Adhiraj where are you?"

Mehek asked on the call immediately.

"I told you, I won't be able to come today"

She sighed hearing him.

"Why? Do you need something? Are you feeling pain anywhere?"

He asked worriedly but she remained silent. One side of her heart was telling to ask him about those images and another half was telling not to do it. What if his anger bursted on her thinking that she didn't trust him anymore.

"No, it's okay!"

She cut the call hurriedly without continuing further and taking those images in her hands again she tried to find out the mess. What if these images would leak in the media? Adhiraj would be in serious issue.

Mehek was pacing back and forth in her room when a message popped up on her mobile screen. Taking it in her hand she read it carefully.

"Did you like the new year gift?"

She was shocked thinking how did that person get her number. Without wasting a single moment, she messaged back.

"Who are you and how did you get my number?"

"It wasn't really a tough job! I know, every single thing about you"

"Don't try to play with me! I'm not that innocent. Just say, who are you and what do you want or else you won't like the consequences"

Mehek again replied back with arrogance.

"I'm not bound to tell you but if you want, then find your husband at first! You'll get to know everything by yourself"

"What. Do. You. Mean?"

"Because your husband is with me right now, on my bed, in my arms! You know what you've failed to please him like me. That's why he came to me. After all he also had some needs and steams to blow off"

At this point Mehek completely lost her temper and control. Her eyes were blazing fire. She felt like dying before hearing those words. She felt worst, disgusted and dirty with those nasty comments on her and her husband.


She threatened as she was on the verge to break the phone. She breathed heavily as she was feeling very suffocated and vulnerable. Her head was spinning and body was getting light with the stress.

"You know who is the bitch, here? The one who doesn't have any idea about her own husband where is he and what he is doing, Who can't fulfill her husband's needs and behaves like a pathetic wife"

"Do you have any idea what bullshits you're saying? Stop dreaming and just land on earth, you crap!"

She chuckled sarcastically.

"I think those pictures didn't work properly. Okay let it be! If you want then you can come here and check with your own eyes. Maybe it'll help"

The person smirked from the other side as she fell into dilemma but couldn't control herself anymore. How dare that person try to poke a finger on them and their relationship.

"Where I've to come?"

She simply replied trying to control the burning rage which was now overpowering on her.

"I'm sending you the adress"

Mehek gazed at the screen for one last time and came out of the room.

"Ma'am, Where do you wanna go at this time? Sir won't like it ma'am and I'll lose my job"

His driver uttered in fear.

"Nothing will happen like this. Just drop me there"

She showed him the adress as he nodded and they left for the destination.


It was the time of midnight but the party was still on. Everyone was enjoying but Adhiraj's mood wasn't goot at all. He was missing his Mehek, his wife. He gulped down the liquor in one go and glanced at the dance floor when a message popped up.

"Your wife is in serious pain. Please come fast"

His eyes widened reading the message but in instant, something clicked in his mind. He couldn't trust any random message like this. What if it was just a prank or a trap? He had to find that first but what if it came true and he made delay. He fell into dilemma.

He remembered sometimes ago Mehek called her but before he could ask anything she cut the call. What if she was in serious condition?

Without any delay he dialled her number but she didn't pick it up. He again and again called her and in her home number but none picked up. He then called his men who informed them, she had left somewhere some moments ago. He became hell frustrated as worry lines came on his forehead.

Taking his car keys he immediately left for the destination instructing his men.


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