The Last Day

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This is a long one y'all. Get comfy

The rest of the night was a blur. I'm not sure when I picked up my bow from Ninth Avenue, but it was in my hand. The knife had been tucked in one of my pockets. 

Later I rememebered monster dust, more wounds, then being back to back with Derek. I turned and shot a rocket arrow. I turned back to see Derek's sword on the street and a hellhound turned away. I shot an arrow into the creature's rump. 

I remember being numb. Just... fighting because I let my instincts took over. I couldn't think. Because I knew when I stopped, I would think of her, see her eyes, that terrified look in her eyes. 

The line of demigods was backed up a block from the Empire State Building. I heard someone yelling to hold the lines, but there weren't enough people to hold the lines with. There were so many monsters, when I looked at the armies, I couldn't see the end. 

A light grew in the east. I pulled my bow out of a Cyclops and turned to look. It was so bright and shining like it ruled the world, I thought it was the sun. But it wasn't the sun. As it drew closer, I saw what it really was. It was a golden chariot with two giant bearing torches. Behind were two other giants with blue skin holding purple banners with black scythes. 

In between the giants, holding the reins, was a warrior in golden armour. For a moment, I saw her again, then I saw her rust coloured eyes. Then I saw the warrior again. He was tall, with blonde hair, a muscular physique and the posture of a king. 

I turned back to the monster lines when I heard a battle cry. A cyclops was charing me. I nocked an arrow and shot it. It dissolved into dust. 

Something echoed through the streets that made everyone stop. It bounced off the buildings and carried down the streets. It sounded like the conch horn from Camp. For a moment, I thought it was something from Kronos's forces, but the monsters looked around confused. I took advantage of it and shot a hydra arrow into their ranks. A couple Cyclops disintegrated. 

To the north, the monsters cried out as they were pitched forward. They ran forward and I nocked another arrow but the monsters ran straight to their southern allies. A calvary of centaurs ran down the street. A shower of arrows rained over the enemy but they weren't like the arrows I had. They whistled as they flew, some had boxing gloves on the ends, others had pinwheels. Either way, the monsters disintegrated instantly. 

"Yeah, baby!" A centaur yelled. "PARTY!" 

The centaurs filled the block, hundreds of them. They were dressed ridiculously in party hats, afros, tanktops, one guy two cups strapped to his helmet. 

"Percy!" Chiron called from the middle of the crowd. "Sorry we're late." 

"DUDE!" a centaur beside him yelled. "Talk later. WASTE MONSTERS NOW!" 

He double loaded his paintball gun and shot a hellhound with a blast of pink paint. The monster whined in pain and dissolved into dust. 

I turned to the remaining demigods. "You heard him! LETS WASTE SOME MONSTERS!" 

I knew how exhausted everyone was, but they took up my call and screamed like banshees. We advanced once more and cut through the ranks that the Party Ponies didn't get with their boxing glove arrows. 


A voice replied across the battle field, "HEART OF TEXAS CAHPTER!" 

"HAWAII OWNS YOUR FACES!" Another cheered. 

The Titan army was pushed back by Celestial bronze, paintballs, NERF baseball bats, arrows and more. The centaurs trampled everything in their path. 

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