The Drink Of The Gods

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The street was in ruin between the cars of the sleeping mortals and monster dust. 

The dracaenae were everywhere. 

All I could see was slitted eyes and green scales. 

All I could see was the warrior in golden armour. 

All I could see were her wide pupils, filled with some kind of maniac joy as she drove the knife into my shoulder. 

All I could see was the wound. 

All I could see were her wide, rust coloured eyes. 

All I could hear was the sound of her mother's screams. 

I woke up gasping, feeling my neck for blood. My shoulder burned. I pulled my hand away and was shocked to see there wasn't any blood. 

I tried taking a few breaths. I gripped the covers beneath me. 

My shoulder still burned. 

I stood up and carefully made my way to the cupboards. We always kept a canteen of nectar in the cabin, just in case. I unscrewed the lid and took a swig. The taste of hot chocolate warmed my throat and helped me relax, just a little. 

I rubbed my shoulder, the canteen still in my hand. 


The Romans arrived just as Chiron said they would. They made their camp just a few miles away at a winery. There were 200 of them, at least. Anyone doing border control could see that their numbers were rising. These allies were both demigod and monster, it made us all nervous. 

A message was sent out to all satyrs bringing in half-bloods: Stay away for the time being. We had 150 campers at least and even less willing to fight. Some were too young like little Harley or ten year old Owen. It was simply too dangerous. 

The Romans brought a nervous air with them. A lot of campers remembered what it was like last year, in the battle of Manhattan. Clarisse had a shorter fuse than usual and even Kelsea's powers couldn't help calm people down. It was a sense of despair, but at the same time determination. There was a difference between fighting for the gods, and fighting for Camp. This was our home. We weren't afraid to defend it. 

Not to mention that the situation with Gaea was increasing. Cabin Four and Mary-Anne were in the forest almost all day, trying to convince the dryads to not side with the earth goddess and to stand against her. Based on their grim faces at dinner, it wasn't going well. We didn't know when Gaea would rise and it was a unnerving. It would have been easier to prepare if we knew when she was planning to wake, but there was nothing. It was almost halfway through July. 

I took a breath and rewrapped the bandages. I took a swig of the nectar, downing it quickly. It still tasted like a milkshake, but there was a small burn in my throat when I swallowed. I took a breath and pulled my shirt back on. 

I left the bathroom in time to catch my siblings leaving for dinner. Allyson waved me over. I went over to walk beside her. "Hey, you okay?" she asked. 

"Yeah, just had to pee quick," I told her. She nodded, seemingly content with the answer.  

We reached the pavilion and took our seats. Supper for me that night was 3 meat pizza with garlic bread. I took hold of the goblet and whispered, "Iced tea." It immediately filled up with brown liquid that bubbled at the top. I smiled and took a sip before I joined my siblings in going to the hearth. I tossed in the best piece of garlic bread and muttered, "Athena." 

Watch over Annabeth, I said silently. 

I joined my siblings and looked around the pavilion. Tyson occupied Table Three with Ella on his shoulder. Rachel sat across from the two, paint all over her orange camp shirt. Will and his siblings were just making their return path to their table from the hearth, Will talking with his brother, Austin. Shane threw a slice of brisket into the fire, his eyes darting over to Kelsea when he thought no one was watching. Cabin Eleven was starting to rise, Connor and Travis arguing about something on their way over. Laurel and Holly were stuck in a staring contest with one of their siblings timing it on a watch. Clovis was asleep, a plate beside his head. Aiden looked five seconds away from following Clovis's example. Yara was spinning her knife over around her table, seemingly bored. 

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