The Argo II

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"Everyone ready?" Leo asked. 

"Ready," Clarisse called at the end.

"Ready," Jason confirmed. 

"Ready," Nick clarified. 

"Da," Yara added. 

"Ready," I said. 

"Good gods, let's go," Mark Yang exclaimed.  

"Three, two, one, pull!" Nyssa ordered. 

Everyone in the line followed her orders and pulled on the chain. It was so heavy. But then again, there was a reason we had called the strongest kids in Camp. Nick's mom was Enyo, the goddess of war, but he was also extremely serious about his workouts. This was one of the perfect workouts for him. Yara was slim and medium height but she was strong. She had to be to carry that giant hammer with her everywhere. 

"Pull!" Nyssa shouted. Everyone obeyed and it went a little higher. "Come on, Victors! Put your back into it!" 

The Victory twins behind me both let out grunts as everyone pulled again. I could feel the cool metal against my palms as I pulled again. It was iron, and forming blisters as I tried to keep my grip with the heavy load. 

"Come on, keep going!" Aidan yelled. He was half asleep over the side of the ship. His dad was Morpheus so it was understandable. 

"You got this, you're almost there," Piper encouraged. I could feel her charmspeak take hold, the energy flooding through me as the load went higher and higher with each tug. 

"One more," Leo called. 

I felt the chain slip a bit as someone relaxed behind me. I dug in my heels and gripped tighter. "Jason!" 

"Sorry, sorry!" he called. "Keep pulling." 

I felt a small grunt escape me and pulled again. Clarrise let out a small yell from the exercise at the back of the group. It was simple Tug-of War logic that the strongest and biggest go at the back. 

"Almost, almost... stop!" Leo yelled. 

Now was for the worst part. Holding the head and the chain in place while the Cabin Nine kids attached it to the Argo II.  

I could feel the iron chain straining against my hands, the sweat on my neck and my forehead making me blink it from my eyes. 

"Anytime, Leo," Jason strained. 

"Almost got it!" he yelled from behind his welder's mask. 

"Good!" Jake shouted.

"Good!" Christopher added. 

"Good!" Lisa exclaimed. 

"Got it!" Leo finished. 

We all knew what that meant and we let go of the chain. We all panted and gasped at the release we were given. Nick sat on the ground, head on his legs. I bent over, rested my hands on my knees. 

"That was a new one," Mark gasped. 

"Not everyday you lift a dragon head on a chain," Aidan pointed out. He released the hooks from the dragon's head, the chains swinging freely in the air. 

"Anyone got water?" I panted. 

"Here," Shane said, handing out water bottles from a cooler with ice in it. 

"Spasibo," Yara thanked. Her accent was always more prominent after a workout, when she was tired and didn't care to hide it. I took my water and started chugging it. 

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