Caspian x Tomboy Reader: Not Feminine Enough

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Hey lovelies! I know I am behind on requests and I promise I'm working on them but I was hit with some inspiration to write something like this. I hope you guys enjoy it!
Also this is a modern college AU! I will most likely do a few more like this- maybe one where you're knight- let me know if you'd like to see it and with which Narnia boy!

Y/n's POV:
I stared at my phone in disbelief. Disbelief from the message that i had received from my crush, Matt. He just texted me and told me that I wasn't 'feminine enough' for him. That I was one of the boys. Why would he say that? I asked myself. Why would he say that after leading me on for months? After showing an interest in me? After having so many deep conversations with me?

I didn't understand it. That would be like me saying that he wasn't man enough for me. I know I'm not all that girly. I'd rather wear jeans and a baggy T-shirt than a mini skirt, crop top and heels. I'd rather wear converse any day. I wasn't too big on make up either, but I would wear it occasionally. Mostly for special occasions.

Those words hurt. I read the message over and over again, hoping that I read it wrong. But, I hadn't. I not only felt hurt, but I felt anger. Anger that I had let him lead me on. Anger for letting him in. Anger that he had said those words to me. Anger that he didn't have the guts to say it to my face.

I felt stupid for giving him a chance. Stupid for letting him take residency in my heart. I turn off my phone, not wanting to stare at the messages any longer. I stand, and stare at my reflection in the mirror on my closet door. I stare at my clothes. I was wearing a baggy 2012 TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) T-shirt, black sweatpants, and purple socks. I wonder if he was right. Do I have to change in order to not feel like this anymore? She wondered. To actually get the happy ending for once? To not just be the crush? To...  not be one of the guys anymore?

I felt tears come to my eyes. I tried to wipe them away. But every time I wiped them away, more would take their place. I soon gave up and just let them fall down my face.

I think about all the time I spent with Matt. Studying together, having dinner together. The look he would give me that would give my stomach butterflies. The stories we'd share and make each other laugh. The late night phone calls and texts. Flirting with each other. I thought about it all, wishing I had listened to my friends.

I hug myself, the tears coming faster. "What's so wrong with me?" I whisper, voice cracking.

I heard a knock on my door. I jumped, before remembering that Caspian was coming over to study for a test that was tomorrow. I wipe away my tears quickly, examining myself in the mirror. Hearing him knock again, I quickly walked towards my door.

"Coming!" I call, cringing slightly when my voiced cracked.

Before opening the door, I took a deep breath. I open the door and smile at Caspian. He and I had been friends since freshman year of college. We met when we both got lost going to the same class. We had been best friends ever since. Now juniors, we saw less of each other but tried to make time to study and hang out. Honestly, for a little while sophomore year, I had a little crush on him. Who wouldn't? I mean he's handsome, kind, and never fails to make me laugh. But I was too scares to tell him.

"Hey Cas," I say. "how are you?"

"Oh you know," he says, leaning on the door frame. "classes are boring, lectures put me to sleep, and I have a test tomorrow that I am not ready for. You know, the usual."

I laugh. "Come in." I tell him and open the door wider for him. He walks in and sets his stuff down at the desk. I close the door and sit down at the desk, him following suit. I look at the materials I need to study, feeling no motivation to do the work.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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