Not your Normal Cinderella: Part 5

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This is the last part in the series and I will do the Little Mermaid next. Should the love interest be Peter? Edmund? Or Caspian? Let me know in the comments.

My aunt dragged me to her carriage, her daughters in tow. They complained loudly about leaving so soon, but one look from their mother made them hold their tongues. Soon, we are headed home and I dreaded what may come next.

My aunt has always treated me horribly. It got real bad when dad died. I was nothing in her eyes. I always seemed to get punished, even though I did nothing wrong. She'd lock me in my room for days at a time, giving me scraps of food. And sometimes.... she'd hit me. Not by her own hand. The beautiful Jade wouldn't want to break a nail. She'd have a whip. That way she didn't have to be too close in order to hurt me. It didn't happen often but when it did, I couldn't move. She'd make sure to hit me where my father wouldn't notice. He would be away looking for work a lot and I was always left with Jade.

I never told Emily. She'd only worry even more than she already did. We've been best friends forever and I didn't want Jade to do something awful to her. I never fought back either. It seemed pointless. I had no where else to go, so I had to bear the abuse. I couldn't fight back... not because of lack of skill, but because of fear. No matter what, whenever Jade got mad at me or took out her whip, I was frozen with fear.

Fear was what stopped me. Ever since I was a child, Jade scared me. The cold looks she gave me, the way she sneered at me. In her presence, I felt like I was 8 years old all over again.

I stare at my cousins and I could see the fear in their eyes. I realized that they were scared of their own mother. Jade was less a mother and more of a tyrant. She expected perfection from her daughters and any less would mean harsh words. She never layed a hand on them but I'm sure Audrey and Jane were scared of that day arriving. I hated them less, realizing that the way they had treated me was out of fear.

I wondered how Jade and my mother were related. I looked to Jade and she still had a tight grip on my arm. She was still seething and I couldn't help but say something, even though it would make her angrier.

"You have no right to treat me like this." I tell her, my voice shaking slightly.

Her gaze snapped to me. "What did you say?" Jade said slowly and quietly, her voice causing chills go down my spine.

"You can't treat me like this." I say again, my voice stronger. "You have no right."

Jade remained quiet for several minutes before finally speaking. "It doesn't matter. Your father left you in my care. That means you live by my rules and I will not tolerate this behavior. If you don't learn some respect soon, you'll find yourself in a world of trouble."

I remain silent, believing every word she said. I had no idea what she would do to me once we arrived at home, but I dreaded it.

Soon, the carriage began to slow and I felt my heart beat faster. Peter, I think before exiting the carriage, headed to my doom.

Peter's POV
I held Y/n's necklace in my hand, consumed with worry. I couldn't leave the ball right away. Being King meant I had responsibilities and that I couldn't just leave. No matter how much I wanted to.

"Don't worry Pete we'll leave at first light." Edmund promised, trying to reassure me.

After the ball, I sat on my bed, unable to sleep. Y/n's friend, Emily, had told me where she lived and when I had tried to leave, nobleman stopped me. Saying it was inappropriate to leave a party in my honor. Why did that matter? Someone was in trouble and I was expected to wait.

I stared at the necklace in my hand. It had had a simple silver chain with a matching heart locket. When I opened it, there was a flower petal inside it. It was beautiful. On the back there was something inscribed on it. It read, "I love you with all my heart, love Papa."

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