Caspian x Sick Reader

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Modern AU
3rd person P.O.V.
Caspian was sleeping soundly when he felt the bed shift slightly. He then heard the door to the bathroom open and footsteps running. He sat up, worried about his girlfriend, Y/N. He then heard whimpering and sniffles. He got up, walking towards the bathroom.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Asks opening the door. He saw Y/N sitting next to the toilet, tears streaming down her face. "Love? What's wrong?" He asks, crouching down so he could be eye level with her.

She started crying harder. "I don't feel well, Cas. I've felt nauseous all day and now it's worse. And now my stomach hurts..."

She stopped talking then, and then pushed herself up on her knees and started throwing up in the toilet. Caspian held her h/l, h/c back as she threw up. He rubbed her back in circles until she stopped.

"It's okay, love. Do you feel better now?" Caspian asked as Y/N stood up and went to the sink, rinsing her mouth out. She nodded and looked at Caspian.

"A little." She said, voice shaking.

Caspian stood up and hugged her. "Let's go back to bed, alright? With some rest you'll feel better in the morning."

She nodded and headed to their shared bed. She climbed in and laid down on her side. Caspian headed to the kitchen and brought back a bucket in case Y/N threw up again. He set it down on her side and checked the time. It was around 2:30 am. Caspian then laid down next to Y/N and rubbed her back, saying sweet things to take her mind off of being sick. He didn't like it when she was sick because there was nothing he could do for her. He laid with her and told her things that would keep her mind off being sick.

****Next Morning***
Caspian woke up and checked on Y/n. He felt her forehead. She had a fever. He got out of bed, grabbed a rag, wet it, and put it on her forehead to try and bring her temperature down. Her eyes fluttered open. "Cas?" She murmured.

"Shh," He says gently. "Go back to sleep."

She sits up and picks up the pan and threw up. Caspian rubbed her back in soothing circles. The goods was that she threw up at 2:30 in that morning and now it was 10, so she should be getting better soon. (Idk just roll with it).

She lies back down and Caspian sees a few tears escape her eyes. He wiped them away. "It's okay love."

"I hate being sick." She says. "Absolutely, positvely, hate it."

He smiles and kisses her forehead. "Go back to sleep, alright."

She nods and her eyes flutter closed. Caspian cleans out the bucket and brings it back into the room. For the rest of the day, he made sure Y/n was alright and put on her f/s, (favorite show) and asked her every few minutes if she needed anything. Everytime he asked, she smiled. She loved it when Caspian got worried. It just made her fall in love with him even more.

As the day progressed, Y/n got better. She didn't want to eat anything in case she threw up again, but she slowly drank water. Caspian cuddled with her and she snuggled into his chest, feeling protected.

The next morning, Y/n felt a lot better and ate light things just in case. Caspian was happy that she was feeling better. He also felt bad because he had been sick a few weeks ago with the same virus Y/n had. He must have given it to her but it took longer to hit her.

She looked at him and as if she were reading his mind, she smiled. "It wasn't your fault. It's just just a part of life."

He sighs and nods his head. They were sitting on the couch, watching Y/N's favorite movie. He looked at her and he kissed her. It was slow and sweet. They pulled away and he noticed that she was blushing. She always blushed whenever he kissed her or said she was beautiful. He loved it.

"I love you." He whispers pulling her into his chest. "I love you too."

Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to post but you know how it is with school and stuff. But I hope you enjoyed this latest one-shot and look out for the next one. See ya later!!!😆😉😃

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