Not your Normal Cinderella: Part 3

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As the few weeks went on, I thought about the boy Peter. I didn't know why, but I wanted nothing more than to see him again. Every time I thought about him, my heart skipped a beat. My cheeks would redden and I would get distracted from what I was doing. Of course, my aunt noticed this. I can't catch a single break. Of course, I had to stop thinking about the boy if I wanted to keep my freedom. I had been secretly hoping that I would run into him in the forest again. Fat chance of that happening. Why is this guy stuck in my head? I shake my head and focus on my chores or my stepmother would have a fit.

I was making my cousin, Audrey's, bed when I heard a commotion down the stairs. I stop what I was doing and go down the stairs, seeing what was going on. When I got down there, I was shocked by what I saw. I saw my cousins, Audrey and Jane, were hugging each other and squealing like they just inherited a large sum of money. I walk toward them and give them a questioning look.

"Uh, what's going on?" I raise an eyebrow, trying not to laugh. They broke apart, but were still smiling widely.

"We have been invited to a ball." Jane answered smugly. She then gave me a fancy invitation. It was fancy and it said all of the kingdom was invited to celebrate the High King's birthday. Wait, everyone? Even me? I try not to smile. If everyone was invited, then surely the boy Peter will be there.

Then Jade walked in. "Y/n, what do you think your doing? Go into town and ask for three ball gowns."

I looked up confused. Only three? "But, Aunt Jade, aren't I going to? It says everyone is invited?"

Jade looked me up and down and scoffed. "You? At a royal ball?" She laughed. "No one wants a peasant at a royal ball."

I clenched my fists and glared at my aunt. "Guess you can't read because it says 'everyone'. That's including me, Jade."

Jade looked at me with murder in her eyes. "You are not going to the ball and that is final!" She snapped, snatching the invitation out of my hands. "Go to the seamstress and get the gowns."

I turn from her and head out of the house. I go to the stables and saddle up Pegasus. Once done with that, I go into town and ask for the three ball gowns. The seamstress, Emily, looks at me with sympathy. "Are you sure only three? The invitation says everyone is invited. That includes you."

I sigh in defeat. "Em, look at me." I say and gesture to myself. "I don't even own a dress and I'm not girly enough... besides, I think I would stick out like a sore thumb."

"But that could be a good thing." Emily tried to reason. "And what about that boy you met out at the woods. He could be there!"

"Emily, I don't even have any money for my own dress and even if I did, where would I hide it?"

Emily thought about it and then had a spark in her eyes. "I have an idea."

Emily then explained her plan. She would make my dress, leave it in her room above the shop, and I would get ready there. I wasn't too sure of her plan at first, but gave in when she said the plan would work.

When they day of the ball arrived, I pretended to be sad because I couldn't go and I did all my chores. As soon as they were gone, I ran to straight to town. I decided to leave Pegasus home because he gets antsy when he's in town for too long without me. As soon as I make it to Emily's, I sigh in relief. I walked in and the bell rang. Emily was all ready and her dress was stunning. It was long and green, and it complimented her dark skin and black hair perfectly. She had left her curls down and she looked beautiful.

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