Edmund x Shy Reader

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*Modern AU*

Y/n was walking through the halls of her new high school, feeling anxious as she headed to her first period class. She took deep breaths, trying to get her breathing under control. It's fine, she told herself. Your going to be fine. There is nothing to worry about. Your going to make plenty of friends and your--

She then crashed into someone and fell to the floor. She rubbed her head, feeling a slight bump. "I'm sorry, are you alright?" A boy questioned.

Y/n looked up and felt her cheeks grow red. The boy before her had chocolate brown eyes, black hair, and had pale skin. He wore a red T-shirt,under a black hoodie with blue jeans and black sneakers. He held his hand out to the girl, a look of worry on his features.

Hesitantly, the girl took the boys hand and let him pull her up. "Are you okay?" The boy asked again, with an English accent.

Y/n nodded, her cheeks still cherry red. "I-I’m fine." The girl stuttered out.

The boy smiled and held his hand out once again. "I'm Edmund... Edmund Pevensie."

Y/n shook his hand, giving him a soft smile. "Y-y/n l-l/n." She stuttered again, cursing herself in her mind.

He chuckled slightly, his eyes sparkling. "Are you new around here?" He asked.

Y/n nodded her head again. "I-I just moved here... and I have no idea where I am going."

He chuckled again, making y/n's heart skip a beat. "What's your first class?"

The h/c haired girl took out her schedule, looking for the right class. "History." She answered and looked back up to Edmund.

He smiled. "That's actually where I'm headed. Miss Mason right?"

Y/n nodded once again, smiling. "Follow me." 

The girl did so and followed closely behind Edmund. After a few minutes, he looked back at her. "You know you can walk next to me... I don't bite."

Y/n felt her cheeks redden once again and she walked faster to walk next to the black haired boy. She could feel him glancing at her every few minutes. She pretended not to notice.

"Your pretty shy aren't you?" He asks, causing the girl to blush again.

She nodded and smiled. "Y-yeah... I've always been shy."

He chuckles and continued to show Y/n to her class. He studied her as they continued to walk, the girl's gaze on the floor. She had h/c, e/c, her hair up,in a (choose hairstyle), and she wore f/c shirt, with (blue/black) jeans, and (type of sneaker). Edmund was glad he ran into her. She was shy, yes, but seemed really nice.

The pair had finally arrived at their history class. Edmund sat in his seat in the back and Y/n walked over to Miss Mason. The two talked and soon a few more students arrived and class began.

"Good morning class," Miss Mason began. "We have a new student here with us, so I want you to give her your full attention alright?"

"Yes ma'am." The class said.

Miss Mason smiled and gestured for Y/n to step foward. "Why don't you tell us a little about yourself, okay?"

The girl nodded and looked at the class before her. Edmund watched as her cheeks turned a little red, finding her adorable. Wait, what did I just think? Edmund thought as Y/n began talking. "Uh, h-hi. My name is f/n l/n and I am from (where your from) and I moved here because my dad got a job here.... and... I hope I like it here..."

Narnia x reader: Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now