Not your normal Cinderella: Part 2

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Peter's POV
As I watched the girl ride away on her horse, I couldn't help the feeling in my chest. I didn't know what it was, but I felt myself smiling. I turned around, climbed onto my horse, and rode back to Cair Paravel.

I often went riding in the woods to clear my head and to forget the stresses of being High King Peter, the Magnificent. Sure I seemed confident, but I'm still just a kid. I never imagined becoming king and saving Narnia. All I wanted to do was protect my family and I barely managed to do that.

When Edmund was taken by the White Witch, I felt like the world was coming down around me. Mum told me to watch out for them and what do I do? Become part of a war and save a land that I didn't even think could possibly exist. Edmund almost died... if not for Lucy.

These are just some of the many things I think about on these walks.

As I rode back to the castle, I felt my smile return as I remembered seeing y/n in the clearing.

When I first saw her, I was shocked. Normally there was no one in that particular clearing and I watched her as she trained. I know not normal but could you blame me? I didn't want to freak her out by suddenly appearing out of nowhere. Anyways, back to her.
She practiced with a sword on a makeshift dummy, and it looked she was excellent with a sword. After doing this, she practiced hand to hand combat. The dummy she had was mostly made of wood and she didn't pull her punches. I had to stop myself from wincing after hearing her knuckles collide with the wood. If it hurt her, she didn't let it show.

After about 20 minutes, she took a deep breath and sat down in the grass, next to her pure white horse. She grimaced as she put some cloth on her bleeding and bruised knuckles. Now that she wasn't moving around so much, I could see her features more clearly. She had h/c hair, e/c eyes, and s/c skin. She wore black pants and knee high boots and a white shirt. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail and I could see droplets of sweat dripping down her face. She obviously worked hard and I still found her to be beautiful.

Then, I accidentally stepped on the branch, which led me to know her name.

While lost in thought, Cair Paravel came into view, magnificent as ever. I climbed off my horse and lead him to the stables. I took off his saddle and put that away, then brushed his coat, and then lead him into his stall. I got him some oats and watched as he ate, still smiling.

"What are you smiling about?" A voice said beside me.

I jumped and looked to my left and saw Edmund, and sighed in relief. I didn't want to tell Lucy or Susan because I knew they would ask me and ask me until they knew every single detail and go find y/n.

I try to wipe the smile off my face and turn to Edmund, shrugging. "Nothing. I just had a good ride today, that's all."

He shakes his head, not believing me. "No, that's not it.... you met someone." He says, a grin appearing on his face.

I scowl. "I don't know what your talking about."

"Oh come on Pete! I know when your hiding something." He says, the grin never leaving his face.

I stay quiet for a few minutes, not wanting to tell him. He then had a smirk on his face, and I knew he had thought of something to get me talking. "If you don't tell me... I guess I could get Susan and Lucy to make you talk. You wouldn't want that... would you?" He says, looking pleased with himself.

I growl in frustration and glare at him. "Fine... but if you breathe a word of this to Susan or Lucy, I swear you will be sorry."

He rose his hands in surrender, getting the picture. I then told Edmund about y/n. "I ran into a girl," I begin. "She was in this clearing, training. She had this makeshift dummy and she practiced with a sword. She was pretty good... as good as you or me. After practicing with the sword, she did hand to hand combat. And the dummy, was made of wood... but she didn't cry out in pain once..."

Edmund smiled. "What was her name?"

"Her name is y/n." I tell him, a smile of my own forming. "She had h/c hair, e/c eyes, and she was beautiful."

I could feel Edmund staring at me and I look at him. "What?" I ask.

"Are you in love with her?" He asks.

I scoff, finding his statement ridiculous. "Of course not. I just met the girl. That kind of stuff only happen in fairy tales."

"Ok whatever." Edmund says, dropping the subject.

I shake my head and go to my room, since I didn't have any King duties today. When I got to my room, I flop on my bed and feel the lull of sleep overtake me.

Edmunds POV
As I watched Peter walk away, I couldn't help the smile that crept it's way on my face. Seriously, it was about time he found someone. I wanted to tell Susan and Lucy, but I didn't want Peter to get mad at me. I also knew something that Peter didn't know. I knew that Susan was throwing a ball... to celebrate Peter's birthday. She was going to tell him today, but he went on his ride. Maybe I could tell Susan to invite everyone, not just the noble people.

Besides, maybe he will run into this girl y/n again. I left the stable, trying to find Susan. When I finally found her I told her of my idea. Leaving out the girl that Peter met. She looked at me for a few minutes and shrugged.

"I don't see why not." She says, smiling slightly. "It's good for the people to celebrate with us."

I nodded and smiled, turning to walk away. "Oh, Ed, have you seen Peter? He should be back from his ride by now." She asks me.

I nod. "Yeah he went to his room a little while ago. He probably went to sleep."

She sighed. "Okay. I'll tell him about the ball at dinner." She turned and walked away and I went to the library, ready to read a good book.

Peter's POV
*Timeskip to after his nap and on to dinner!!*

When I sat down, I thought that my siblings were glancing at me every few minutes. But when I looked up, they were eating their food. I chuckled and looked at them.

"What is the matter?" I ask after a few more minutes of them throwing glances at me. "Why do you keep looking at me?"

They looked at each other before Susan finally spoke up. "Peter, what do you say to a sort of birthday party? I mean, you need to let some stress off... you have been working so hard. Just a little ball."

I sigh. "I don't know..." I began.

"Oh come on Pete!" Lucy says, giving me a big grin. "You deserve it!"

When I was quiet for a few minutes, she gave me her famous puppy dog eyes. I groan. She knew I couldn't resist her eyes. "Fine..."

She grinned. So did Susan and Edmund. I just hoped that everything went smoothly. And maybe... just maybe... I will see y/n at the ball.

Hey thanks for reading!! This will probably have one or two more chapters to it so I will probably write a different in between just to spice things up. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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