I - Part I

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Her heart was thumping in her ears.  Adrenalin had never run so hard through her veins as all the blood rushes to her head. 

It's so cold

Too cold

How does anyone survive this? 

A wave violently splashing into her face is what finally snaps Anya out of her brief pause from fighting her way out of the guts of the ship.  She needs to unhang her feet from this stupid wreckage and be upright once more. 

Not that she hadn't been trying.  She's spent the better part of God only knows how long trying to untangle her legs and skirts from the debris.  It's not easy.  And her adrenalin is starting to wither away.  She had only stopped for a second when another wave hit her with a mouthful of water that feels like it could've knocked her teeth right out, had it really wanted too.  Anya has always had a healthy respect for the sea.  Ever since she was a little girl.  She just never expected to die in it. 

The screams from the men of the crew had died down significantly for awhile.  Though she has no idea if the occasional rough splash she hears is another harsh wave hitting what remains of the vessel or a fellow man swimming for shore.  It does no good to call out.  Besides the fact that Anya was one, pretty certain no one would help her even if they heard her, and two, She had, in a small part, already accepted death. If she's being completely honest, her throat is too frozen to call out even if she wanted too. 

Anya forced herself to fight, once again untangling her skirts, ripping fabric and thankfully, tore her dresses just enough to break free where she was trapped by her feet.  The sound of her body hitting the water was not pleasant.  Nor was the feeling of panic as she fell.  She grimaced.  Knowing she's lucky not to have hit a piece of debris on her way down.  But she's still alive. 

She can work with that. 

The ship was taken down off the side of an island.  Whether it's inhabited or not is the real question.  However, Anya's not interested in taking her chances with the sea.  Especially not with the monster that took them down abiding below.  Perhaps it's stupid of her to even try, but whether she liked it or not, as long as she's still breathing, she will go on.  Life will go on...

Might as well keep moving. 

And move is what she does.  She wades her way through the water between the remains of the wrecked ship.  What's left of her dress becomes heavy with the water weighing it down.  It takes everyounce of strength left in her to lift it with her legs and her one hand, using the other to protect her head from any sharp debris waiting to surprise her in the shadows cast from the debris between her and the moonlight.  Aiming for one of the many slivers of light; she comes to one not quite big enough to walk through.  Dropping her skirts, she lowers herself further into the water, testing with a brave foot for any part of the ship underneath to be a buffer between her and the creature residing below.  Finding a slim board of wood to press her foot on before she drops God only knows how far.  She plants a foot on the bowing board.  Takes a deep breath and quickly ducks into the water under the debris, coming out the other side to freedom. 

Only to be met with a large hand in her hair.  Yanking her up roughly as if she weighs no more than a quill.  Soaked dress and all.  The large hand places her down in the dingy.  Anya glances up immediately.  Firstly, noticing, a few survivors of the shipwreck slare with her.  Secondly, she notices the looks of pure terror and dread on their faces.  Thirdly, the stench of death in the air.  Lastly, where that stench is coming from... and it's not the dead. 

The creature above her looks down, a slow and monsterous grin speads across his face.  A man, but made with the neck and face of an eel, but terrifyingly large.  And he's not the only one.  The small boat is lined with sea-like monster men.  As they draw closer to a large, dark ship ahead with hay like sails.  Obviously, a pirate ship.  Anya knows that much.  And she has a feeling she knows exactly what type of crew awaits them there. 

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