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Anya slept a restless sleep but still has no desire to waste her day. She was up early and working as fast as she could dress herself. Scarfing down a few fruits on her way across the ship. Anya has tuned out most of the things around while she focuses unhealthily on one task after another. Nothing she's doing is that helpful but she feels the little things can be important in the long run. The sixth or so time she passes over a bent board, nearly tripping over it, she drops her papers with a huff. Leaving and retrieving her tools.

She can pry the board up and nail down a new one in its place. And it will stop driving her so mad.

Anya brings a sharp flat tool with two small curves in it. The idea is to put pressure on the one end to pry something up with the other. She doesn't remember what it's called.

Anya puts all her force on the one end but can't seem to pry the stubborn board from its place. She's on her knees putting her entire weight on the one end. The board simply creeks a little. Getting more and more frustrated by the second, Anya places her left hand underneath the board as best she can, next to her tool. She tries to pull with one hand and press with the other when the tool finally slams to the deck, the other end shooting upwards and slicing through Anya's hand.

She tries not to scream as she stands and steps back, dropping everything.


She's rushed again. Multiple crew come to her in an instant. Some try to grasp at her hand, others call for supplies or for Jones.

He's there within a second anyway. Grabbing her hand and demanding to know what happened from his crew. No one really knows though.

"I'll have whoever did this in the brig for an eternity!"

"It was me." Anya choked out as she watched the blood drip from her hand through Davy's fingers and onto the deck.

"What happened, Love." He pulls her to the side of the ship. Taking the cloth and alcohol being handed to him and begins to dress her wound.

"I kept tripping over that bloody board and it needed to be repaired! I would've been fine had I not put my hand there. It's my fault. I mess up everything I touch!"


She stops her rambling. Snapping back to reality. It was maybe the fifth time he had called her name, but she hadn't noticed.

Her tears fell. "Davy, it hurts." After she spoke he poured the burning liquid over her open wound quickly. She screams.

Davy shushes her gently and apologizes. Brushing his claw gently down the back of her head. "It'll burn but it won't be infected."

Anya sniffles.

"That was a stupid thing ye did, Anya."

"I know." She seethes. Taking deep breaths before and after her words.

Davy slowly wraps the bandage around and around her hand. His actions gentle but his tone is firm. "Who even gave you such tools? Whoever he is shouldn't've without you knowing how to use 'em."

"I know how to use them. I was just being stupid. As we already established."

Davy sighs. Tying the scrap of fabric down tight before he held her softly in his arms.

Anya sniffles.

Davy brings the bottle towards her and Anya takes it. Taking a swig of the burning liquid to help distract from the fire in her hand.

"Why does it hurt so fucking much?"

"Language." He scolds but chuckles.

Anya peeks up at him through her lashes. "Are you laughing at my pain?"

Stranger Redemption (Davy Jones x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now