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Anya sunk farther into the bath until her head was also under. Praying it would just swallow her whole and never let her resurface.

What the hell was she thinking?

After her brazen statement, a dark looked washed over Davy's face...

And then he left.

Of course he left! She scolded herself. He's a gentleman and you sounded like a wh-

Bang, bang, bang.

She startled at the knock but calmed when she heard Penrod call out to her that they were approaching Isla Cruces.

Good. Davy would be back in his pissy mood and hopefully forgotten all about what she had said earlier. At least she hoped.


Anya hadn't bothered to dress in new clothes. But this time, her binding is more secure and her shirt is properly tucked.

Out on the deck, Davy looked through a scope at the bumbling pirates from the Black Pearl, 'on watch' for Sparrow.

He snapped the scope shut. "They're here. And I cannot step foot on land again for near of a decade."

"Then trust us to act in your stead." Maccus spoke.

"I'll trust you to know what awaits you should you fail!" Stepping forward past Maccus, he orders. "Down then."

His command is echoed like a battle cry.

As they prepare, Davy steps over to Anya. "Hold your breath, love."

"What?" Anya demands with no clue what insane defiance of science and logic is about to happen now.

"Hold your breath." He commands again before his voice softens, "Just for a minute."

Anya notices the ship rock forward as it begins to tilt forward... into the water! And she complies. Taking a deep breath while thinking a little too calmly... Oh, so this is how I die.

The Flying Dutchman pushes into the ocean. Water crashing over them so roughly as the boat goes under the waters surface while remaining upright.

Anya had squeezed her eyes shut. Her confidence in Davy shrinking a little. It was a whole moment of feeling the pressure of being underwater. While somehow, her feet stayed planted on the wood. But after that moment, the pressure faded, and she hears a voice call her name gently.

Anya's eyes open slowly, tentatively. She's soaked vaguely aware her white shirt now gives easy view to the binding she has on underneath. The material clings to her skin. Her hair is drenched. She breathes in- air?

Which is a bit curious because they are still indeed underwater.

Letting her eyes open fully, she turns to look at the underwater world surrounding them. Fish and all kinds of sea life surround them. The walls of the ocean showcasing it's beauty. And she's privileged enough to bare witness to it. A hammerhead shark, bigger and more majestic than she pictured them from the drawings and descriptions in her books, swims by them. Once she's turned full circle, she meets Davy's eyes. He's watching her.

She laughs in wonder. A beautiful laugh showcasing her gorgeous teeth and high cheekbones press into her eyes. "What is- how does... how?"

"Once under, the air stays in and around the ship. Though most of us can breathe in the water as well as the air. I don't know why." He explains.

"It's beautiful." She breathes out.

He marvels at her response.

Once the crew is prepared to leave for Isla Cruces. They do so by walking up to the island on the ocean floor. With orders to retrieve the chest at any cost. Leaving Davy and Anya all to themselves.

Stranger Redemption (Davy Jones x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now