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It was the dinner from hell.

Though she suspects more so for everyone else than for her.

Beckett was thrilled. All this attention on, well, not him but what he has power over. Only a matter of time before he starts taking bets on how far Davy can catch a stick in the air.

If that does happen, maybe she could find a place to put i-

"Have you ever been, Miss Wright?"

Anya blinks to attention. Beckett looked at her with a knowing gleam in his eyes.

"I'm sorry?"

"Port Royal?"

Oh. "No. I'm afraid not." She snarks.

"Well, it's beautiful."

"I'm sure." Anya mumbles into her cup.

The woman on her other side hadn't stopped shivering since they arrived. Some of the men had gotten brave and raised their shoulders. Even making some seemingly polite conversation with her and Davy.

"What's it like to be at sea that long?"

"Better than being here." His voice is intense and deadly.

"Jones is an excellent sailor. Does what he's told." Beckett's mumbles the last part into his cup with a cruel smile.

Which is rewarded with tension and twitches from Davy.

Without much thought, Anya places her hand on his leg. It's the only subtle, calming gesture she has up her sleeve right now.

He relaxes. But not much. And Anya takes a breath.

Inhale. Exhale.

How much worse can it really get?

A lot. Much worse. Anya expects very much worse. So she squeezes his leg before letting go.

She has everything under control. She tells herself...

She has to.


"Perhaps it's time for the entertainment portion of the evening."

Her stomach falls.

Unless Beckett is hiding a band in the cargo hold, she suspects she knows the type of 'entertainment' he's referring to.

Two guards enter the room. A heavy chest between them.

Anya's chest tightens so much she cannot even acknowledge Davy's reaction.

Beckett doesn't allow them to set the chest down. He just turns and meets them at the door. Lifting the lid, reaching inside. Before turning and revealing Davy's heart in his hand.

Breathe Anya, you expected as much. Everything relies on you fucking breathing.

Inhale. Exhale.

"Might I introduce you all, to the heart of Davy Jones."

The reactions are all of awe. A living beating heart outside its owners chest. Even a skeptic would have to believe in the impossible after seeing it.

Most people in society, didn't grow up with stories of magic and monsters with fathers who traveled the world with an open mind and left them plenty of ideas about what lay beyond one's own little world.

Anya understands though. Most people feel safe in those little worlds.

Davy stands. Slow and daunting. "And what would ye have me do with such power." He spits. "Sacrifice my dignity?" He mocks. "My humanity? Ack!" His eyes narrow. "Too late."

Stranger Redemption (Davy Jones x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now