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Shocked faces stare back the the crew of the Flying Dutchman. Anya sees Will, Sparrow and a few new faces on the ship across from her.

The crew hangs off the side of the ship taunting the memeber of the Black Pearl with cheers and laughs. Maccus stands on one side of Jones, Anya on the other.

"Oi, Fishface!" Jack gets their attention. Waving a glass jar over his head. "Lose something? Eh?"

He takes another step before falling down the steps of his own ship. Multiple groans of sympathy sound but after a moment the jar pops back up into view, pirate attached. "Got it!"

This is when Anya realizes, perhaps much slower than she should have, that Captain Jack Sparrow is a lover of rum.

"Come to negotiate. Eh? Have you, you slimy git. Look what I got." He struts across the deck singing, "I got a jar of dirt, I got a jar of dirt. And guess what's inside it?"

It is at this point Anya cannot tell if this man is drunk, or insane.

Davy turns. "Enough."

On his command, the guns open and the satisfied look is wiped from Sparrows face.

The Black Pearl starts shouting command and the ship begins to pull away.

"Hard to Starboard! Send his beloved Pearl back to the depths." Davy commands.

And with that, they begin to follow. Guns firing at the quick black ship to their right. Tearing through the wood of the Pearl. And shaking Anya back on the deck of the Dutchman. They fall behind the Black Pearl in chase.

The guns at the front begin to fire at the receding ship causing more damage and death even from the distance being put. Anya had been around the front of the ship before and had no idea there were even guns there.

"We're out of range!" Koleniko finally yells.

As Jones shouts more command, Anya runs up to him.

"We giving up, Sir?" Maccus asks.

Davy Jones smiles. And after a beat, Maccus matches his smirk.

"The Kraken?" Anya asks.

"Aye." Davy looks at her. "Are yer gonna ask me to spare them?"

Anya has no desire to share her thoughts or reasons right now. She simply shakes her head. She stares at him with those firey eyes that fill Jones with a rush he cannot explain.

Within minutes, the men on the wheel are whipped into moving and the post slams down, awaking the beast.

Anya has seen this dance before.

It takes much longer this time. A few times, Anya suspects the Kraken won't survive but is proved wrong each time she comes back. The second time, she's learned to take out the guns. And kills most, if not all, the crew below deck. The third time, it takes several minutes before she returns with her mouth above the surface and devours the ship whole. Along with Sparrow.

After the sails have cleared the surface, Davy snaps his scope shut. "Jack Sparrow, our debt is settled."

"The Captain goes down with his ship."

"Turns out not even Jack Sparrow can best the devil."

Davy turns to us. "Open the chest."

A few of the crew make eye contact with each other, hesitant. But Davy gets in Maccus' face before demanding again, "Open the chest. I need to see it!"

We all gather around the dead man's chest. Someone turns the key and Davy pushes his way through, touching the lid tentatively. He pauses one short moment before raising it open.

The reactions are immediate. While the crew gasps and move around, Anya, very still, watches Jones. All the muscles and tentacles on his face twitch and jerk. He lifts his gaze up from the empty chest starring back at him. Spit flies from his mouth as he curses Jack Sparrow. Anya has to cover her ears from the sound. And she's not the only one. But she's the only one who doesn't retreat from him.


No one on the Dutchman slept for several days. Especially Jones. He plays the organ through the night and most of the day. Angry music keeps the crew on their toes. Bootstrap was moved from the brig into Anya's service. She treats him more than fair and he is greatful for her grace and friendship. He brings her food, fills her tub with fresh water and anything else she might ask. But she doesn't ask for much. She sleeps in the Captains bed and listens to him play through the thin wall between him. They haven't spoken much but Anya only intends to give him time. She busys herself with little hobbys from things she picks out of wreckage. Some papers, ink and paints, needlepoint, even some small tools to help with repairs. One night, as she is nearly asleep when she feels the bed dip behind her and the warmth of Jones gently lays next to her. She's too sleepy to do more than smile as she drifts the rest of the way off to sleep.

Time is cut short when a Navy ship stops them in their path late one night. The men board without invitation and the audacity is enough to pull Davy from his instrument.

"What is going on here?" Anya's small voice is filled with authority to her crews ears. Meanwhile, the King's men ignore her inquiry.

It is Jones harsh steps making their way out onto the deck that the soldiers finally straighten their backs.

"I demand to know what is going on here." Davy shouts. Appearing at the front on his crowded crew. Stepping in front of Anya. Whether on purpose or coincidence, she's not sure. Davy still holds his intimidating nature. It's obvious by the way the armed soldiers shake and refuse to meet his gaze.

"Ah, Davy Jones, I persume." The voice comes from behind armed soldiers but steps into the front with too much confidence for his own good.

"And ye would be?" Jones sneers.

"Lord Cutler Beckett."

"Aye. The East India Trading Company, paying me a visit. Should I be flattered?" Davy mocks with a laugh echoed by the crew.

Anya knows he's murderous right now. And this bold intrusion will, short of a miracle, end in a blood bath.

"I'm not here for flattery, Captain Jones. I'm here to give you your orders."

Davy's eyes blow wide at those bold words and so do Anya's and most of the crew.

"Pardon?" He spits.

"Mercer." Beckett calls a short, skinny and creepy looking man over who holds up a leather sack for Beckett. The egotistical Lord takes the bag by its base, turns it over, and plops the object inside into his other palm.

Gasps sounds from the crew and Anya feels her heart in her throat.

Jones steps forward and a gun is placed and cocked against his heart by Beckett.

Davy chuckles. "Do you even know what you're doing with that?"

"Taking over the sea trade. Once ship at a time. With your help." He smiles.

Anya sensed Davys fear the entire time masked by anger but as she glances up at him tearing her eyes away from his disembodied heart, she sees his smile fade and a new emotion spead through his features.


Stranger Redemption (Davy Jones x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now