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Dice hit the ground. The wagers were given and matched. Anya had stumbled upon Will, watching the game intently. She had been watching too but not with as much interest.

Bootstrap stepped up behind them, speaking to his son. "Wondering how it's played?"

"I understand." He replied. "It's a game of deception. And your bet includes all the dice, not just your own. What are they wagering?"

"Oh, the only thing we have. Years of service."

"So any crew member can be challenged?"

"Aye, anyone."

The laughter and ruckus of the crew, has Anya smiling. Something almost childish about the three of them on the floor playing with dice. It makes her happy.

"I challenge Davy Jones."

Every single head on this boat turns up at the words.

Anya's smile falls. She glances over at Will. Confused. What in the world is happening with him right now? She wonders.

The organ stops.

That all too familiar step hits the deck above them. One, then the other. Over and over again. Anya's awestruck eyes glance up watching the sound move. Live creatures crusted to the ship snap their shells closed at each step. Will's not sure if it's the vibrations from his steps. Or the reputation of the steps owner that make the life crusted onto the ship quiver and hide. Laughs from the crew start to sound. Davy appears on the stairs. A smug look on his face.

"I accept.... mate."

Will is manhandled into a seated position on a barrel. A table is made in front of him. Dice and cups are set upon it. Davy breaks through the crowd on the other side. Anya moves around the table next to him. Will stands to face Jones.

"The stakes?"

"My soul. An eternity of servitude."

"No." Bill says.

The Captain smirks. "Against?"

Will holds out a folded cloth. "I want this." He drops on the table.

Davy picks the cloth up with the tip of his claw and opens it.

Anya sees the picture over his arm. Of what appears to be an unusually shaped key. She raises a brow, completely underwhelmed by that. The others reactions to the image repeaks her interest though. The crew gasps. Davy's head swings back up to look at Will. He balls up and tosses the cloth back onto the table.

His voice low, "How do you know of the key?"

"That's not part of the game, is it?" He sits smugly.

Anya doesn't like this tension that's rising. Too many thinly veiled threats are taking up the air of the ship. She holds her stance next to Davy. Picking up the cloth, Anya takes the opportunity to observe the image. A double key, black with a regular single looped head. Nothing seemingly special... just odd. Davy watches her while she examines, waiting for some sort of reaction from her that he knows won't come. She clearly knows nothing of the key. And the idea of her finding out leaves him with a nauseated flutter in his stomach.

Will's challenging words draw him back to the game. "You can still walk away."

After a moment. He sits.

What Will does not expect is for Jones to reach under his tentacles with one of the frontal, larger ones and slowly pull out just what he'd been searching for. The key! Right under the Captain's nose. Literally. The crew murmurs either in interest or entertainment. Anya hatches her bet on the latter.

Stranger Redemption (Davy Jones x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now