Rick: What did you stuff the possum with?
Daryl: Y/N's made the stuffin'
Rick: Okay so it'll actually be good
Y/N: *chokes on their moonshine*
Daryl: Well fuck you then. Jude can have seconds on Carol's pie but not yea
Carol: Have you seen Y/N?
Daryl: Nah
Carol: Are you lying?
Daryl: No! Go bother Rick
Carol: *rolls her eyes on her way out of his room*
Daryl: *waits for the door to close before rolling off of Y/N making them groan a bit at the adjustment*
Y/N: I couldn't breathe
Daryl: You're the one that wanted out of gardenin'
Daryl: Let's just agree to both say we're sorry on the count of three.
Y/N: One... two... three.
Daryl: ...
Y/N: ...
Y/N: See, now I'm just disappointed in both of us.
Daryl: Watching them sleep won't solve your problems
Rick: *confused as to why he just said that out of the blue*
Daryl: They're gonna sock me if they catch me again
Rick: What kind of affirmations are yea doing?!
Daryl: You...uh. Naked under your clothes huh
Y/N: What the fuck
Daryl: See. I haven't flirted with anybody. I don't even know why I said that
Y/N: okay...I mean. Do you want to see me without my clothes?
Daryl: *short circuiting* No fuck off *leaves a flustered mess*
Y/N: *even more confused*
Friend of Y/N: You've changed...you're not who you used to be
Y/N: NO FUCKING SHIT! Undead sickos walk the earth. My best friend is secretly an arsonist and my boyfriend prefers possums over any fucking else for dinner!
Carol: Accurate
Daryl: Since when did you start burning shit down
Carol: When idiots started questioning
Daryl: *crosses his arms* Ain't an idiot