Talk with yagi's and punishment

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When izuku left the Navarro's they went to the yagi's house which thankfully their brats was too.

Inko:hello everyone what do you all need.

Nezu:we want to know you you remember izuku yagi.

Inko:who I'm sorry you must have mistaken there no izuku yagi he-.

Inko had just remembered and went to the photo album and couldn't find any picture of him and started to cry when everyone else came and see inko crying.

Toshinori:inko why are you crying(notice everyone)and what is going on here.

Inko:toshinori we been neglectful parents.

Toshinori:what do you mean Izumi been great.

Everyone danpaned at his words.

Inko:towards izuku toshinori we haven't been paying attention for the last three years.

Toshinori remember his "son" and tried to remember the past time they spend time together and failed.

Rei:exactly you both have been horrible parents and SHOTO AND SHOKA COME HERE NOW.


Everyone was surprised with rei and Masaru as they never been angry and shoto and shoka and Katsuki and Katsumi was scared.

Shoka:yes m-mom.

Rei:we know what you been doing to izuku.

The kids were scared as they been found out.

Gran Torino:you all have been hurting him with your quirks and toshinori nana would be rolling in her grave to hear what you have done you have disgraced her.

Izumi:we just wanted to protect him we thought he would died being a hero.

Aiazwa:so I'm not fit being a hero.

Katsuki:but you have a quirk.

Aiazwa:true but also wrong my quirk is only able to disable certain quirk I have to fight quirkless when I face said certain quirks that I can't disable.

Inko:please tell me where my baby boy he needs his mother.

Midnight:(slap her)you failed being his mother and thanks to those brats he was in the hospital if he didn't get their in time he could have died.

The yagis and the kids was shock to hear that.

Nezu:thankful a couple found him and took him to the hospital and adopted him and moved away.

Inko:no I'm his mother I gave birth to him.

Rei:a mother take care of her children no matter what you fail(starts crying)where did I go wrong with shoto and shoka.

Shoto and shoka lower their heads in shame.

Toshinori:tell us where is he so he can come back to his real family.

Nezu:never and I have decided the punishments toshinori and inko when you both work at ua you pay is cut 90% and the kids are not allowed to use their quirk anywhere unles there home only use them training and the kids must attend anger management and therapy do I make myself clear.

Mitsuki:and you brats are in a grounding of a lifetime(grab Katsuki and Katsumi)you both should be glad we have morals.

Nezu:you both should be ashamed of yourselves you may be the number hero but you have brought shamed to the name father.

Inko and toshinori and Izumi cried their heart out and wish izuku come back to them as Katsumi and shoka planned when izuku come to get him to married them as shoto and Katsuki planned to make izuku married their sister.

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