First day of ua

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The first day of ua have finally come and now there journeys to become pro heroes have started.

Izuku:this is it everyone the first day who is excited.

Izuku crew:we are.

Izuku:we better head there right now before we are late.

They all went to ua and almost got lost when they saw the door and was shock to see how big the door is.

Grace:how big is this door.

Luna.and why is it so big.

Mezo:probably for those who have mutation quirk like me.

Luna:fair enough let go in.

All of them went inside and see iida and Katsuki arguing about a desk.

Iida:put your feet off this desk this instant you are disrespecting the ones have sit here before us.

Katsuki:what kind of stick do you have up your ass and who the hell cares.

Iida:I'm tenya iida and I went to Soumei Junior High School.

Katsuki:so your an elite can't wait to crush you.

Iida:crush me are you sure you want to be a hero(notice izuku and his friends).hello I'm-.

Izuku:tenya iida yea I heard you say your name no need to repeat yourself I'm izuku Navarro.

Izumi:"no it not it izuku yagi"

Ejjro:I'm ejjro Kirishima.

Mezo:I'm mezo shouji.

Leo:name Leo jones nice to meet you.

Xavier:Xavier that all you need to know.

Grace:hello im grace Harper.

Luna:im Luna Moore wonderful to meet you.

Iida:same to you all.

Katsumi:ichan(went to hug him as izuku just step to the side).

Izuku:leave me alone you are not my friend anymore not after what you have done.

Shoka:please izu we really are sorry about what happened all those years ago.

Izuku:you could have killed me if I wasn't found.

Shoto:please brother forgive us we were just trying to protect you.


Izuku energem starts to flickering.

Katsuki:learn here deku just cause you have a quirk now doesn't mean your better than me and it was better for you to give up.

Aiazwa:enough all of you you are giving me a headache with all that yelling now put these uniform on and meet me at the p.e grounds.

Everyone left to get change and was wondering what was going on with izuku and those people he yelled at.

Ejjro:hey bro are you aright after that.

Izuku:a little bit I'm fine no need to worry about me.

Leo:we do need to worry about you when it look like you were going to have a heart attack.

Mezo:and we are your brothers all the way.

Katsuki and shoto was pissed as they were his brothers not them.

Izuku:right thanks we better go.

But before they left someone decide to make a comment.

Mineta:guys there a hole in the wall now I can see Harper and Moore Bo-.

Ejjro:I suggest you stop before you something that you will regret.

Mezo:or else you will pay for your words.

Mineta was shaking as he was scared.

Everyone left and meet aiazwa.

Aiazwa:took 7 minutes not fast enough while you change people are suffering and dying out there you need to change faster if you want to save people Navarro what your ball tossing score.

Izuku:umm 50.8.

Aiazwa:ok now do it with your quirk.

Izumi:but he doesn't have a quirk sir.

Izuku:yes I do now shut it.

Jiro:"huh what ever happen between them it must not be good if that the respond he give"

Izuku pulled his morpher while everyone was shock.

Mina:umm sir is he allowed to have that.

Aiazwa:yes as it helps him with his quirk and get problem nephew.

Izuku nods as he toss the ball in the air and blast it to not damage it but launch it.

Aiazwa:your score is 399.000 impressive work.

kaminari:we can use our quirks here.

Mina:that so cool this will be fun.

Aiazwa:fun huh well how about this who ever is in last will be expelled.

Everyone ex izuku crew:what.

Uraraka:but sir we just got here we can't be expelled it not fair.

Aiazwa:fair what is fair on the world tell me people being killed, people being bullied for something they can't control(looking at Izumi and her friends as they look down)people who have traumatized, as heroes we have to fight the unfairness of the world welcome to the hero course.

Everyone was in shock to hear the speech as Izumi and get friends have look like they were about to cry ex Katsuki.

1st test 50-meter

Iida:I wish you the best in luck.

Izuku:thanks dino cycle charger energized.

Izuku and iida race to the other side but the cycle have proven to be fast.

Iida:you are faster than me on that bike Navarro.

Izuku:thank you iida you are also fast with your quirk.

Iida:thank you.

The tests have gone very well as everyone have focus on making sure that they past the test and not being expelled mezo have the highest grip score while everyone else average scores.

Aiazwa:well with all the test done I have all your scores.

1.Izumi yagi
2.shoto todoroki
3.momo yaoyorozu 
4.shoka todoroki
5.Katsuki bakugou
6.Katsumi bakugou
7.izuku Navarro
25. Minoru Mineta

Aiazwa:mineta you are expelled from ua and don't think that I heard your words in the locker room so get out.

Mineta:no I can't leave yet I haven't touch harper and Moore boo-.

Izuku knock mineta out.

Izuku:don't talk about them like that.

Aiazwa:well let go and I will get him out of here everyone else back to the classroom.

Everyone went to the classroom after what happened.

Mina:so the first was something right.

Everyone agreed to that.

Izuku:well no first day go well.

Leo:aiazwa is a interesting teacher right.

Xavier:aiazwa looks tired from what I seen he might works at night as well teaching during the day.

Sato:well that has the sucks but some how he make work how does he do it.

Aiazwa:it takes a lot of work now tomorrow you all are going to have your first hero class who your teacher will be is a mystery.

Everyone went home as Izumi and her friends planned how to get izuku back"home"  no matter what.

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