Class president and u.s.j introduction

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After the battle with ice age everyone was in a panic with the hero commission are searching for the power rangers identities while they are in ua as the reporters were waiting for a story about all might time as a teacher.

Mina:did you hear about that attack.

Denki:yea it was crazy.

Jiro:the fact their was a ice villain and those machines when that guy grew bigger.

Uraraka:and the building that was breaking with all the people that were still inside and Navarro you were amazing out there.

Iida:indeed thankfully the you and the rest power rangers were around to help out.

Izumi:so what anyone could fight that guy but my onii-Chan.

Shoka:those "rangers" are not special my dad could have handled that guy zuzu you didn't have to fight that guy.

Izuku:yea I do that my job as a power ranger and you are not going to stop from doing so.

Katsuki:and I could have kick that weakling ass.

Shoto:with my fire I could win in a instant.

Grace:but those rangers got it all handle and they are cool.

Luna:I would honored to know who the rest of them are.

Shoji smirks at his girlfriend words.

Ejjro:they are so manly fighting that guy.

Aiazwa:alright everyone settle down I understand you want to talk about the power rangers nephew great job out there, you have all the time to talk later right now you need to choose a class president and a vice president as well.

Everyone started to yell.

Mina:oh oh pick me.

Denki:I can do it.

Iida:everyone please instead of yelling let us vote.

Tsuyu:but won't everyone vote for themselves we haven't gotten the time to know each.

Iida:then the person who have the most votes.

Everyone nods in agreement and started to put in their vote.

Izumi:(I could have onii-Chan sit next to me if I class representation).

Katsumi:(I can make ichan sit near me then we are going to date).

Shoka:(let me be class president so zuzu will be by my side at all times).

Izuku:(please don't let them be class president that would be a nightmare and I don't want that).

Once the votes were in shoka and Izumi and Katsumi got one vote while izuku has ten votes and momo have eight votes.

Aiazwa:izuku will be the class president and Yaoyorozu will be the vice president.


Denki:what you expected us to vote for you yea not going to happen.

Izuku:how I don't let any of you down.

Momo:I hope to not to let any of you down.

As the bell ring everyone started to head for lunch which the annoying trio was bugging izuku.

Izumi:onii-Chan sit next to me.

Shoka:will be nice you are going to be our future husband after all.

Izuku: it gonna to happen you psychos.

Katsumi:just do it than get rid of those powers and be our house husband.

Izuku:will you leave me alone I'm not going to be your husband I USED TO LOVE YOU BUT YOU RUINED IT.


Izuku:no buts I'm not going to be your brother again and those sorry excuses of parents they may be heroes but they are terrible parents that is that.

Izuku went to sit with his friends while iida and uraraka was there when he got their.

Uraraka:room for two more.

Grace:of course there is room.

Uraraka and iida sat down.

Uraraka:Navarro I have to ask what happened between the bakugou twins and the todoroki twins and yagi.

Izuku:nothing you need to worry about beautiful.

Uraraka blushed again.

Ejjro:hey iida I have to ask what going on between you and Yaoyorozu during battle training you were a bit worried.

Iida:oh it just me and Yaoyorozu were in a arrange marriage when our fathers got drunk and promise we would be wed before we learn about it me and her were in a relationship we were about to tell our parents when they told us.

Grace:wow that has to be awkward huh.

Iida:it was for a bit I know she can handle herself but I can't help but worry.

Izuku:she may get hurt but that part of being a hero saving and protecting those in need you need to have faith in her.

Shoji:and I'm sure she have faith in you.

Iida:your right I need to have faith in her I can't let fear hold me back.

Uraraka:that spirit iida.

An Alarm went off making the second and the third years panic.

Luna:what is that.

Third student:it an alarm in case someone breaks in to school which never happens.

Everyone was crowed in a hallway students were getting step on or kicked.

Iida:there must be a way to stop this madness.

Izuku:wait the reporters are out their.

Ejjro:we have to tell everyone.

uraraka:but how can we do that it way too loud for anyone to hear.

Izuku had an idea.

Izuku:uraraka touch me a I can fly.

Uraraka did what she was told and izuku flew towards the exit sign.

Izuku:EVERYONE STOP it just the paparazzi look outside.

Everyone looked and saw it was the paparazzi and started to calm down.

Izuku:now everyone head back to class and someone take those who were injured to recovery girl.

Class 1-a:we definitely pick the right class president.

Everyone went back to their classrooms while those who were injured got healed.

Aiazwa:good job nephew calming everyone down now everyone on Friday we are heading to the u.s.j for rescue training rather you want to be in your hero costume or in your gym uniform is your choice so be prepared.

In a bar we see a crusty man.

Shigaraki:we have the plan so we can finally kill the symbol of peace once an for all.

Kurogiri:and what if those power ranger arrive.

Shigaraki:it shouldn't be a problem they handle those monsters and if they do show up then the nomu will be enough to kill them.

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