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It was Friday to day to go the usj and everyone was excited.

Izuku:ok everyone time to get on the bus and head to the usj.

Iida:shouldn't we go in alphabetical order.

Izuku:iida I check and it not that kinda of bus let go.

Iida:I see my apologies.

Everyone step on the bus and started to talked when Tsuyu ask izuku.

Tsu:hey Navarro I'm blunt where did you you get your powers.

Izuku:I got my powers from a stone called an energem when a person did a good deed they turn into a power ranger.

Tsu:what did you do that allow you to turn into a power ranger.

Izuku:me and the rest of my team ran to save a kid from being hit by a car then i transformed.

Uraraka:that so brave of you and your teammates.

Iida:indeed you don't see that kind of bravery that much.

Mina:many people are focused on the fights.

Momo:all might gotten a lot of attention when he fight villains that some might have forgotten that being a hero is more than fighting villains.

Jiro:then it up to us to bring it back to attention to saving people.

Everyone cheers as Aizawa was smirking under his scarf as the buss got to the usj.

Aizawa:ok we are here time for us to get off.

Thirteen explains everything as everyone enters the building when a purple vortex opens and a hand came out.

Shigaraki:ahh we are the league of villains and we are to kill all might.

Izumi:what do you want with all might.

Izuku/shigaraki:'bitch he/I just said I/he was going to kill all might'.

Kurogiri:it would be appears that all might is not here like it saids.

Shigaraki:well let see if he comes when we killed some of his precious students.

Aiazwa:Kaminari contact the school.

Kaminari tried to contact the school but couldn't.

Kurogiri open a portal that suck some students in as izuku was calling Kendall.

Kendall:izuku what going on.

Izuku:the usj is under attack please the other five to help by villains.

Kendall:ok but it will take a bit can you and your classmates hold out until they get there.

Izuku:yes we can please hurry aunt Kendall.

At the front entrance Kurogiri was trying to prevent the rest of the students from escaping.

Uraraka:need to get pass him but how.

Momo:someone needs to crate a distraction in order to get out and have to be fast enough to get to ua and get the teachers.

Kurogiri:and it would not be wise to talk about your plans in front of your opponents.

Shoji:quick iida run now.

Iida:but I can't just leave you all.

Leo:iida just go we will be fine.

Iida just nods and ran to the door while everyone was distracting Kurogiri or fight villains.

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