Back to japan and not good reunion

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The day to travel to japan have come Kendall was worry about sledge new plan Shelby was worry that her son would run into the same people who hurt and abused him.

Izuku:we are going to japan.

Slias:right it will be interesting but how are we going to charge our Dino charges without the crystals.

Everyone thought the same as they really had no idea.

Zenowing:not a problem for I have made these case that contained same crystals to charge your Dino charges and extra for the others.

Mezo:thank goodness for that thank you zenowing.

Everyone:thank you.

Zenowing:not a problem but keep up your guard for any monster attacks and we will not be able to give help if you need it.

Kendall:zenowing is right we won't be able to help you be I was able to upgrade your communicator so we are able to contact you in case of a monster attack.

Shelby:all we can do is support you or if me and the others are able to bond with our energem again join in battle.

Tyler:exactly but that monument the energems pick next will be your teammates.

Ivan:good sirs and Madam's the battle with fury was only the beginning of your fight never forget who you were beforehand.

Keeper:don't let anger and hated take hold of your for the energem will unbound with you if something disrupts your energy.

Izuku:right we won't let you down.

Leo:sledge and his monsters won't know what hit them.

James:don't get too cocky each monster have their strength and weaknesses.


Chase:Nezu have left letter saying he has brought a house for you all .

Everyone got excited at the news when ejjro said.

Ejjro:we better get going to plane will be leaving 20 minutes.

Everyone panicked as they rushed to the airport and catch the flight.

Back in Japan

Nezu:so izuku will be returning to attend ua.

Aiazwa:yep and Tyler and Shelby said he gain a new power.

Nezu:"this will make this year more interesting than I thought"we regardless all might and inko and Izumi must stay away from from unless it school work.

Aiazwa:they are going to find a way to do so.

Nezu:don't worry I have my ways aiazwa they don't call me rod god for nothing HAHAHAHA.

Aiazwa:well he not wrong everyone feared him even me and that saying something good luck nephew hope you like the house Nezu brought for you and your friends

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Aiazwa:well he not wrong everyone feared him even me and that saying something good luck nephew hope you like the house Nezu brought for you and your friends.

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