New school

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Shelby:izuku where are you your going to be late for the first day of school.

Izuku was scared to go to school which was understandable as he was mostly bullied because he was quirkless and feared that the Samething happen again.

Tyler:Shelby where izuku.

Shelby:he hiding im going have to think he was bullied.

Tyler:Japan is messed up izuku you have nothing to fear America doesn't judge base on quirks.

Izuku:ok let go to school.

At amber beach elementary school

Shelby:izuku you are going to make new friends here.

Izuku:I don't know but I want to try.

Tyler:you got this ok bud.

Izuku hug Shelby and Tyler and ran towards the building.

Teacher:ok class we have a new student joining us today why don't you tell us about yourself.

Izuku:my name is izuku Navarro I like heroes and katsudon and the color red.

Teacher:now is there any questions for izuku.

One hand rise.


Grace:where are you from.

Izuku:I am from Japan.

Another hand rise.

Xavier:what is it like in Japan.

Izuku:it nice to see other than the villains attack though out the city.

Another hand rised.

Leo:do you have a quirk.

Izuku:no I don't have one I'm quirkless.

Mezo:it fine you don't have one we don't judge here I have one so does ejjro.

Ejjro:it true.

Everyone started to bomb izuku with questions and izuku was started to feel uncomfortable so the teacher stops it.

Teacher:ok class that enough we have to start the lesson and Silas time to put the book down.

Silas:sorry ms.

Teacher:it ok put the book down and at lunch you can read it again.

Silas nod and put the book away while he spotted izuku at the front of the classroom.

Teacher:ok izuku you can sit next to ejjro.

Izuku sit next to ejjro and was glad nobody was making fun of him for being quirkless.

At lunch.

Ejjro:hey izuku come sit with us(point to a table with familiar faces).

Izuku:ok what are your names.

Grace:my name is Grace I have quirk too I just wanted to mention it at another time like now it phytokinesis I'm able to control plants and vines.

Slias:I'm slias my quirk is quick thinking I can think of a solution fast.

Xavier:Xavier the name I can control the wind and make a hurricane.

Luna:I'm Luna i can send sound blast with anything but I would like to use a weapon in case I need to defend myself

Leo:Leo here and I'm able to pick put rock or rubble or make walls but I have a limit to how much I can hold and pick up.

Ejjro:my name is ejjro my quirk is Hardin I can harden my body but I have much experience with it.

Mezo:im Mezo my quirk is duplicate arms I can manipulate my six arms.

Izuku:I'm izuku nice to meet you all and have you all been bullied cause of your quirks.

Grace:no not really America is more open to mutant quirks or any kind of quirks than other countries do.

Izuku:wow I thought America might be the same s Japan but look at me being wrong.

Ejjro:I want to go to Japan to be a pro hero at ua.

Grace:same we might be in the same class someday ejjro.

Ejjro just blushes in embarrass.

Slias:not me my quirk is not exactly meant for fighting villains and I want to inherit my family business someday.

Xavier:chill you have a lot a time to grow but for now be a kid and stay in the present.

Slias:oh right sorry.

Izuku:(is he really trying to force himself to grow up)Xavier is right enjoy being a kid.

Leo:I really don't know what I want to do I can help with ruble cleanup in case buildings get destroyed in villains attacks.

Mezo:would hero school accept me as a student.

Luna:of course they accept many kinds of quirks at ua so don't give up Mezo.

Mezo just blushed under his mask so no one knows he blushed.

Izuku:are we friends now.


Izuku smiled brightly as he made new friends on the first day of school his new parents were right.

Izuku:I am going to love it here.

At the base the green and sliver and the aqua and the graphite energems glows brightly.

Keeper:it would seems we might be getting a new team of rangers.

Kendall:it would seems so but who is the question.

Zenowing:I am confident that it might be some friends izuku made but we have to make sure.

Keeper and Kendall agreed and would ask Shelby and Tyler for izuku friend's names

Next chapter's:
Timeskip and new rangers (red,green,sliver,aqua,graphite)

Fight with fury

Back to Japan and not good reunion

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