Texts 2

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- henry has requested chat with robin-

-robin has accepted-

Robin: Hey kid. what's up?

Henry: Hey. I just wanted to ask you something, how long as Marian... uh I mean Zelena, been pregnant?

Robin: At least a month, why?

Henry: My mom wanted to know. she would ask you but she lost her phone.

Robin: oh okay.

Henry: do you miss her?

Robin: Marian?

Robin: yes. I mean she was my wife.

Henry: Im sorry.

Robin: its fine. listen, Henry I got to go. i'll see you later tonight. your mom invited me over for supper.

Henry: cool! ill see you tonight then.

-robin has left this chat-

-regina has joined this chat-

Henry: mom you found your phone?

Regina: Hello Henry. this is Zelena. not your mom. sorry. :)

Henry: Zelena?

Henry: how are you chatting? your in the hospital. aren't you?

Regina: yes but when your mom was here I snuck her phone out of her pocket.

Henry: why do u need it?

Regina: I don't know. it gets really bored down here, so I went through her phone and read all her messages.

Henry: you cant do that! her messages are her business not yours.

Regina: oh really?

Henry: yea really!

Regina: well its to late now.... and btw you mom is getting you that antique clock you wanted for your clock collection.

-regina has left this chat-

Henry: really?!

-henry has left this chat-

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