you left and I still cared.

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CW: sad,mad,arguments

Next morning:
I woke up in my bed and the candles blowed out with the box beside my bed I opened the small presents Bucky gave me he bought me my favorite perfume, earphones , and gave me one of his dog tags I put on the dog tag and headed into his room and took out one of his shirts from his dresser and his shorts I smelled his shirt it still smelled like him I smiled abit and went back to my room to wash my face after I was done Tony came in hey kid the missions today he said okay I said then I went grabbed my suit and security belt and my guns knifes bombs and others essentials from the safe I zipped up my suit and put my security belt on I'm glad my ribs healed on time I thought and then I headed downstairs to the landing zone where Bruce Sam may Wanda Steve and vision were they were heading to the helicopter and then we flew to the mission Tony notified me and said I'll be going with Natasha and then we both went to the building acting like delivery people in disguise we saw the hydra guards at the door we used our fake id to go in and then headed inside to the device card we finally found it and then the alarm went off and alot of guards were running at us until we hid from them and shot some but not all of them we got out of there as fast as we could ever run we made it to the helicopter and gave the device to Tony.

few months later:
I was watching Hannah Montana with Scott because he forced me to until we heard knocking I got it! Wanda said she unlocked the door and then said your back! she said and then looked at me the person who was at the door came in I was wondering what to watch later with Scott until I looked at the figure my face changed fast, tears swarmed my eyes I got up hey the figure said smiling at me I headed towards the stairs
y/n, I'll go see her the figure said to Wanda I was up in my room crying in my bed y/n they said no buck no I said backing away from him look I'm sorry for leaving I really am he said coming up to me no get away from me! I said getting up walking towards the corner you left me! For eight months Bucky! I said looking at him, eight months..I said I missed you so much and I'm sorry but I just needed time away okay you get that to he said he said slowly coming up to me stop! I said ITS YOUR FAULT FOR LEAVING NOT MINE BUCK YOU LEFT ME WHEN I NEEDED YOU! i said yelling at him he started getting angry from the way I was talking to him WOULD YOU JUST LET ME EXPLAIN AND JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!? He said with his hands forming into fists coming up to me like he was going to hit me I flinched and he noticed that y/n I'm sorry he said looking at me I'm just...I'm just mad right now because I got nightmares about hydra and my past where I fell from that train and i-i don't know I just needed time away from here for awhile he said i was still crying sliding down to the floor hugging my legs you should've took me with you buck I said I couldn't because I didn't like waking you up in the middle of the night he said sitting on the floor with me I missed you so much Bucky I said looking up at him I'm very sorry y/n he said while putting his arms out to notify me into a hug I looked at him and crawled over to him and hugged him both of us sobbing our eyes out I love you y/n he said moving my hair off the way and kissing my neck I love you too James I said softly he stood up pulling me up with him and took me to my bed and layed me down as he layed down next to me pulling me into a warm hug I promise I will never leave again he said before kissing me I looked up at him I will always love you James slightly smiling is that a smile I see? He said making my smile more no I exclaimed trying not to smile are you sure I'm pretty sure I saw one he said making me giggle he slowly grabbed my chin making me look at him we both stared at eachother and smiled then kissed I'm starving we should go eat he said sitting up okay I said rolling out of bed ow! I said falling off you good? Nat said in her room yep I'm brilliant I said getting up fast Bucky just chuckled and walked out with me we headed downstairs and saw Wanda making dinner hey it's almost done she said dusting off the flour off her apron and took it off I made heart cookies and mashed potatoes with gravy a salad casserole and my famous chicken parmesan she said proudly mmm it smells great in here Tony came walking in yeah I made food for all of us Wanda said happily skipping to tell everyone to come in the dinning area to eat. so buck how are you? Steve said walking over to him patting him on the back, I'm great Steve he said, back Loki and Thor came from the living room and said don't leave our sister again they said with protective words I won't I promise I love her so much and I missed her he said coming up to me and putting his arm around me and sitting down at the table everyone foods ready! Tony said as he sat down everyone else joined and ate at the table this is so good Wanda Scott said pointing at his food thank you Scotty she said smiling I was eating and I felt Bucky's eyes on me when I was talking to Sam about his sister and his nephews and other friends he's been with I looked at Bucky but he looked down at his plate with his jaw clenched was he jealous? I thought Sams my best friend doesn't Bucky know that? I looked away and talked to Wanda Tony brang out some more wine and champagne and then a little later Bucky Thor Loki and Pietro are all drunk some of us were tipsy while buck and Loki danced around in the kitchen while Thor and Pietro were pretending to be mermaids or worms making us all burst out laughing I didn't notice Bucky coming up to me because i was talking to Scott hey I'm gonna go fill my glass with wine he said getting up oh ok I said Bucky leaned close to my ear your mine princess he said kissing my neck he then pulled away and walked away Tony invited some people over for a small party I didn't make contact with buck for awhile until I looked over at him he was kissing another girl... I had tears in my eyes I ran upstairs leaving my half empty glass on the table i ran in the room me and Bucky share now since Pietro started as a avenger I layed in bed crying until buck came in y/n.. I'm sorry for what happened my ex Alyssa came and tried coming on me again he said coming up to me go back downstairs and kiss that bitch if you want I said I didn't know If I was more angry at Bucky or Alyssa but I sure wanted to punch Bucky in the face y/n- he got cutted off, no! I gave you all my chances! Bucky and you went ruined them about some girl now what are you gonna do go fuck her? I said looking at him. He can truly see the pain in my eyes I trusted you. I said walking away from him, Bucky was getting angry at the words I just said he got up and walked over to me but I backed up WONT YOU JUST LET ME LIVE LIFE FOR AWHILE INSTEAD OF YOU BEING SO POSSESSIVE?! He yelled at me and grabbed my wrists and pinning me to the wall my wrist on my chest. I struggled to get out of his grip but oh man was he strong let me go! I said kicking my legs NOT UNTIL YOU CAN STOP BEING SO PROTECTIVE! He yelled again I cried more again as he was yelling I FUCKING LOVE YOU Y/N BUT YOU HAVE TO STOP TALKING TO OTHERS GUYS! I started shaking when his grip got tighter around my wrists before he could've yelled again Thor and Loki busted in they all probably heard it all, let go of her! Wanda said as she walked in throwing him across the room Steve came in a got Bucky up he got knocked out but he's okay Sam said I was still crying in the corner looking at what Bucky left on my wrists my wrists were bruised and hurting Thor and Loki came up to me and helped me up shhh it's okay sister and then put buck in the guest bedroom and I fell asleep in mine.

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