in need of you

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you were in the kitchen making something to eat when you heard the front door open and a couple seconds later, naya showed up on the kitchen, standing at the entrance, without necessarily approaching you.

"hey. you okay? i thought you had to go to the studio today." you said. which is true, she assured you that she wouldn't be able to see you properly today, because she was stuck at work, recording songs for the new season of glee.

"i couldn't be without you for any longer." she replied quietly. you stared at her for a moment and notice her a little down.

"did something happen?" you asked quietly, deciding to finish your food later since apparently she needs you now.

"i'm just tired." she said with a grimace, you sighed and approached her, taking her into a hug and sealing your lips.

"do you wanna take a bath?" you asked which she nodded with a small smile. "come on." you guided her to the room. naya sighed audibly and sat on the bed, you quickly went into the bathroom and organized the bathtub. it took you a few minutes, but it was finally ready. you went back to the room, naya has already taken off some her clothes, only her shirt left. you frown slightly, worried about her behavior, since she's always happy and excited to be home. "hey..." you caught her attention and she looked at you. "come." you said but before you helped her remove her shirt. you had already taken a shower a few minutes ago, but you chose to join her and try to talk to her.

naya sat in the bathtub first, and you came right after, sitting between her legs.

"do you wanna talk about you day?" you asked softly, not wanting to pressure her into anything.

"same thing as always..." she said almost without waiting for you to finish the question. "babe, i need to be honest with you..."

"what is it?" you asked, clearly curious.

"i came home because i missed you. i just wanted to spend time with you. that's why i left early." when you heard her say that, your heart rate automatically increased, so you smiled silently. "i can't stand to see you only on the weekends anymore, and maybe once or twice during the week. our schedules are so busy we barely have time together. i want to get home after a hard day and having you welcoming me home with a wide smile that can make all my problems vanish. please..." she begged, but you didn't quite understand what exactly she was begging for. you frowned, but to calm her down, you left a kiss on her head.

"baby, i'm right here." you said as you gently caressed her arm. "i'll take care of you today, okay?"

" don't understand. i want you every day, y/n. i can't stand being alone anymore." she seems desperate, which made you nervous.

"you're not alone." you said and regretted the next second.

"what are you implying? you don't want to have something more serious with me?" her body tensed up.

"what? of course not, nay. i want to have you for the rest of my life." which is true, you're just not ready for that big a step yet. it's a drastic routine change, and you don't know if you can handle it. you two have talked about it so many times, but you thought of it as something for the future. you didn't wanted to hurt her. and everything has to do with your insecurity, you're afraid that naya will end up getting sick of you if you two start living together.

"please, i can't take it anymore..." you bit your lip, not knowing what to say and how to not hurt her. "i want you, y/n. i need you!"

"nay, i-"

"i know it's early, we've only been dating for a little more than a year, but...god. i feel like i've known you for a lifetime, i feel so good when i'm around you and it hurts me not being able to see you as much as i wished. i want you sleeping next to me in bed every day. you have no idea how happy i would be to get home from work and be able to hold you and kiss you as much as i want." her outburst brought you the feeling of countless butterflies in your stomach. you still didn't knew what to say.

"can we talk about this later? let's just finish this first." you asked, hoping she will accept it. the truth is that you don't know how to react to this situation.



after the bath, naya went to grab some clothes in your closet, so when she's on her sweats, she lays down in bed and as soon as you finished getting ready, you did the same. you heard your girlfriend sight and as you lay next to her.

"tell me why you don't want to live with me." she said above a whisper. she seemed frustrated.

"it's not that, nay..."

"so what is it?? you know that we're great together. i want to spend more time with you." she seems really confused and tempted to listen to you.

"i just..." you thought a little, maybe it's better to expose what you really feel, she will probably understand. "i'm afraid you'll get sick of me. living together is a huge responsibility, you would see me every day. i don't want you to get bored of me. don't want us to fall into a routine." you were honest with what you were feeling in every word and your girlfriend looked at you surprised, pulling you closer.

"that's never- i would never get sick of you, y/n. i love you so much. you know that, right?" she sounded so serious and so sweet at the same time, and once again, your heart responded to her words.

"yeah, but-"

"if you know then don't think that ever again. it's absurd...that's why you don't want to live with me?" you nodded. "i can't believe you're thinking about that. it's impossible for me to get bored of you. you're too incredible. please, tell me that you'll think about it and that i can have hopes that you'll move in with me. please..." she insisted, sealing our lips together multiple times.

"i'll think about it." you mumbled against her lips, making her open a ear to ear smile, that was priceless. you ended up smiling too.

"now come back here. i wanna feel ya." she said happily, not even waiting for you to say anything, she just grabbed you hard, pulling you so you were straddling her.

"what is up with you today!?" you said with a chuckle, mostly joking, since the answer was already obvious.

"i'm in need of you." she hit back. "now kiss me." you looked at her and realized that she was already making a cute peck to receive the kiss. you rolled your eyes and, holding the sides of her face, you kissed her passionately, taking advantage of the moment to run your finger through her wet hair. "thank you for taking care of me. i love you very much." she whispered against your lips.

"i love you too." you replied looking into her eyes.

"do you want me to go get the food you were making when i arrived?" she asked while caressing your waist.

"nope, just want you." you said and kept kissing.

"good answer." she said as she melted into you

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