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you have been acting since you were literally a baby, and nowadays you are one of the best paid actresses in the world. eventually you started singing too, and it's fair to say that you're one of the best nowadays.

ever since you started to like girls you have had a crush on naya rivera. and one day, when you were asked to be a special guest in step up: high water, you were going to meet her.

the director took you to a tour around the set, even though you were only gonna be in one episode, he sorta hoped you'd enjoy it and maybe want to do more. so, almost at the end of the tour, he introduced you to naya

"naya. this is y/n, she's gonna be a special guest in  the episode we're filming today"

"nice to meet you, y/n. i've heard a lot about you. you're super talented-" the director cut her off

"i'll leave you two alone. y/n, i'll be over there if you need me for anything." he said and walked away

"anyway..." she laughed and your heart almost stopped "you're really pretty" she smiled her cheek bunching smile and you melted. a slight blush spread across your cheeks and naya chuckled "did he introduce you to the cast already?" she asked and you nodded. "got it. there's an awesome coffee over there. let me show you, y/n/n . can i call you that?...i'm calling you that!" naya grabbed your hand and dragged you to grab coffee

after that day, the director and naya pratically begged you to be and more episodes. and the offer was actually very good. he was willing to spend millions, cause he knew for sure that the sales and views would go to the roof. and naya just wanted to spend more time with you.

the two of you grew really close very soon.

now you were sat at the table, next to naya, as everyone chatted about anything and everything.

"how do you like being an actress? i mean, you're so young and so popular. it must be a pretty big deal." naya asked you, trying her best to keep you in the conversation as you were too shy to start a topic.

"it's great. i mean, it's tiring, but yeah, it's really good." you nodded "plus, i've made so many friends in all the stuff i did"

"oh yeah. and trust me, babe. this" she waggled her finger between the two of you "this is for life. just look at me and the glee cast...except lea but fuck her" the slightly drunk older woman laughed. you giggled and she smiled at you - maintaining eye contact.

later that evening, and after way too many drinks, you and naya stumbled back to your house. her hand never leaving yours as you dragged her inside.

"y/nnnnnn!!" she sung and you giggled. she stumbled into the kitchen with you and opened the fridge. "what drinks you got?" she asked, her head fully in the fridge. you shrugged and stood next to her. naya pulled her head out, along with two bottles of beer. "drink up" she giggled handing you one. you took it and sipped it, before slumping down on your couch.

"my feet is killing me" you groaned, kicking your heels off. naya chuckled and slumped next to you

"can't say i blame ya. we danced for hours" you nodded and turned to look at the woman next to you. you smiled at her as alcohol flooded your system. the next moments happened so quickly. she was just there and her lips were like a fucking magnet. her eyes flickered from yours to your lips and she bit her lip. she cupped one of you cheeks in her perfectly soft hands. the two of you leant in and finally kissed. it wasn't rushed or heated, it was just...perfect.

when lack of air became an issue, you both pulled back and naya rested her forehead against yours "fuck, i've wanted to do this for such a long time..." she whispered, her breath tickling your lips.

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