the plan

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you were on the set of glee, prepping for the next scene that you had to shoot. naya was with amber while you helped dianna fix her hair.

you and naya weren't exactly dating, but you weren't exactly not. it was complicated. the two of you most definitely had feelings for eachother but neither of you were going to confess first. the only people that knew were some of the cast, because you weren't out yet and you didn't necessarily want to share your feelings with everyone you knew.

however, some of the cast had their hearts set on getting the two of you together and they planned to do it at all costs.

brad called you to set and you quickly took your places.


while you and naya were filming, dianna, kevin and heather stood huddled in a circle while they gossiped quitely.

"we've gotta get them together." dianna whispered

"preach." kevin scoffed, "have you seen the way naya stares at her? like jesus christ that bitch has fallen and she cannot get up."

"that was a good one." heather snorted quietly and gave the boy a small high five. "anyways- yes, we need to make naya confess. y/n is never gonna do it."

"and how the hell do you think we're gonna do that?" dianna asked

"we just...shit" kevin groaned, at a loss of words. "what if we made her jealous of something? i mean she's already fuming because mark and y/n are gonna be making out for the scene."

"good point, kev." dianna nodded and they stood in silence for a moment, trying to think of a plan. finally dianna piped up with a wide smile. "i got it! one of us need to ask y/n out."

"i'll do it." heather shrugged, "y/n's incredibly beautiful. what if she says yes? win win."

"uh auntie snixx will take a trip to town and kick your ass if she says yes. possibly even if she says no." kevin scoffed and dianna nodded in agreement.

"oh well." heather mumbled, "i think i'll be fine."

"you're a brave soul." dianna patted the other blonde on her back and the three of them shared laughs. "okay so you go get her a flower or something then you can ask her whenever this scene is over cos naya will already be jealous."

"on it." heather said before scurrying off to find a flower somewhere on set.

"god, i hope this works." dianna mumbled, watching the scene that you were shooting and how naya was already gritting her teeth from annoyance, or maybe it was already even anger.

"dude look at her. she's already jealous and they haven't even kissed. i get that she's supposed to look jealous because santana wants puck, but jesus christ she's not even acting at this point."

kevin nodded with a sigh before cory walked up to the two of them and greeted them with a goofy smile. "hey, guys."

"hey, cory." dianna smiled back.

"hey, cor." kevin said and patted the taller boy on the back.

"what're you doing standing over here alone? seems kinda fishy. if i didn't know any better i would have guessed that you were plotting something-"

"well, it's not exactly plotting-"

"kevin don't lie to him-"

"oh god, what are you up to now? is naya in on this? she's always scheming..."

"no, she's not in on it. she is it." dianna began to explain, "you know she's crazy in love with your sister and y/n's equally in love with her... so kev, heather, and i are gonna get them together by making nay jealous. hemo's gonna ask y/n/n on a date and see if naya gets so jealous that she finally steps in and confesses her feelings. it's genius."

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