my heart

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"honey!" naya called out for you as she walked through the door, excited to be home to you after a long day at the studio.

but as tired as she was, she could not stop thinking of showing you the song she had just finished.

she kicked her shoes off and looked around the house for you, but her smile died a little when she noticed you weren't anywhere to be found.

she took her shoes off and took a look around searching for you, but her smile suddenly turned into a confused frown by seeing you weren't anywhere to be found.

"baby?" she said and stood still. the silence was thick and she felt sad by the thought of you not being home. specially since she was really looking forward to showing you the song that you had inspired her to write.

the second she went to grab her phone and call you she heard the sound of your laugh coming from upstairs. she rushed up the stairs excitedly, practically running towards the door of your shared bedroom.

she stood frozen for a while, mesmerized by how beautiful you looked. with your hair up in a messy bun, one of her hoodies - that was practically yours by now. she watched you laughing one more time with something you saw on your phone.

"babe? i'm home." she said as she walked towards you, heart beating rapidly in her chest as her excitement continued to grow and grow.

"boo?" she said while walking towards you, feeling that her heart could explode from excitement just by the thought of getting some time alone with you.

but you didn't seem to notice her presence. with your airpods on and your attention fully on the screen, nothing else seemed to be happening around you.

naya sighed softly as she got into the bed and scooted closer to you, until she was right by your side. so close she could finally end the crave she's been having for your touch.

"hey" she mumbled and watched you smile once more, but only because of the video you were seeing.

"don't make me tickle you..." she said, smiling at the thought of your laughter filling the room again but this time because of her. but to be completely honest, she wanted something different. she wanted to hold you in her arms for the rest of the night and tell you how much she loves you and missed you.

so, she cleared her throat and decided to give you one last chance.

"babe" she said, and when you didn't responded, she just shrugged her shoulders and nodded. "alright, you leave me no choice then."

suddenly, she took your phone from your hand and threw herself on top of you. she buried her face in the crook of your neck and listened to you giggle as she kissed your neck non-stop


she tickled your sides before pressing soft kisses across your face

"watcha doin'?"

"what do you think? i'm forcing you to pay attention to me. i have been here for like five minutes and called your name a billion times." she said and bit your cheek playfully making you laugh. the sound filling her heart with unbelievable happiness.

"i wrote something for ya. wanna listen to it?"

"of course i do" you smiled, loving to see her so excited about something that was only created because of your inspiration

"i want a kiss first though!" she laughed and closed her eyes when your lips met hers in a loving kiss.

naya rivera imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now