{025} 𝕯𝖊𝖊𝖕 𝖉𝖊𝖈𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗

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December 10th

RORY HAD WOKEN UP TO SLIGHT snowy drizzle outside nothing like normal snow just wet snow. Kinda sucked but whatever rory had thought. She got up seeming the time was nine thirty and she thought about what she copied do with her cold Saturday she had her options, stay home and watch stupid Christmas movies on repeat, she could go to the Grab' N Go but she didn't have the motivation to walk there in the cold weather. She just decided to keep her pajamas on and listen to music. After a hour she got eventually hungry and headed downstairs to eat something greeting her brother with a groggy "good morning" and walking off to her fridge and grabbing some yogurt. She headed back upstairs and grabbed her telephone to call her boyfriend.

"Vanceeee vanceeee pick uppppp" Rory said in the phone knowing that Vance had not been on the telephone now. "Vanceeee" she whined out finally hearing someone pick up.

"Hello this is the hopper residence?" A very familiar voice said to nice for Vance.

"Hey Mrs hopper is Vance home?" Rory said smiling into the phone being able to hear her voice.

"Indeed he is I'll call him down for you." She said putting the phone against her chest to call down Vance. Rory her a slight "Vance! Rory is on the phone for you get over here!" From Mrs hopper. "He is coming right now, how have you been Rory?" Mrs hopper said lifting the phone back by her head to talk to Rory again.

"I've been good just tired since the cold weather had hit." Rory said but the phone started to muffle.

"Mom I've got it now." She heard vance say in the background and she started to chuckle.

"How rude vance!" Mrs hopper said walking away into the distance.

"Sorry about that ror." Vance said smirking in the phone.

"I like your mom V you know that!" Rory said rolling her eyes.

"Whatever, what your plans for today?" Vance asking awaiting a answer from her.

"I don't think I'm doing anything it's to cold." She said.

"I could probably head over your dad home?" Vance asked.

"No he works Saturdays but finney is Home." She said shrugging.

"And?" Vance says.

"And he dosent know Vance you know that." Rory said.

"What is the little shit gonna do tell your daddy?" Vance said.

"Yes that's exactly what he would do." Rory said rolling over now laying on her back.

"Whatever. I'll be over in ten." Vance says

"What no! I didn't say you can." Rory says getting cut off as Vance hangs up the phone. She sighed and let Gwenny know he was coming over and Finney just had been in his room. Rory just laid there in bed waiting for his arrival. She soon heard a tap on the window knowing exactly who it is. She got up and walked to the window shaking her head. "Vance! Come on it's cold." Rory said shaking her head.

"Movee you are so fucking slow." Vance said rolling his eyes.

"Whatever! Come on!" She said pulling him through and letting him fall on the floor. "Loser."

"Fuck you ror." He said getting up and grabbing Rory from the waist picking her up and throwing her on the bed.

"Noooooo" Rory said hiding under the covers.

"Lamer." Vance said sitting in her desk chair. He pondered around her desk looking at the simple drawings and scratched out words. "What's all this about?"

"Huh?" Rory said moving in her bed facing towards him.

"All the scratched out words?" He asked again

"Oh it's nothing just stupid ideas?" She responded

"Fucking loser." He mumbled

"Whatever" Rory said rolling her eyes in annoyance. The duo sat in silence for a minute and Rory thinking of Christmas and vance just a void. "What do yuh want for Christmas vance?" She asked turning her head to him.

"I don't fucking know I usually don't ask for shit I'm not eight years old." He said spinning her chair to rory.

"Come onnnn I need to find you something." She says

"Huh?" He asked.

"Im getting you a gift dumbass, for Christmas?" She said

"You'll have a great fucking time figuring that out." He says chuckling.

Rory stayed silent vance copying her actions. She looked around and realized she was pretty dirty and didn't feel clean, Rory got up and went straight to the bathroom with no questions asked. Vance thought it was pretty weird but he suspected it was just her using the restroom. He wondered if he had maybe made her a bit angry and sorta felt bad. As Vance thought he realized he barely knew much about Rory. He looked around at all of her different posters and Knick knacks. Being a bit nosey without realizing he got up and look close to objects like her perfumes that he would die to smell over and over again, not because he liked the smell, because it was her smell.

Rory arrived back and Vance just sat back down as if he wasn't smelling her perfumes and looking around her room like a creep.

"Why did you spray my perfume?" Rory asked raising a eyebrow.

"Huh? Uh that wasn't me, I don't smell it." Vance said.

"I'm not a dumbass V I can tell when someone sprays to much perfume." She said shaking her head.

"Oh whatever rory believe what you want to believe." He said rolling his eyes

"Will do." She said being a grade A asshole.

"Fuck off." Vance says

"Reverse." She says back.

"Fuck you!" He said

"Whatever V." Rory said laughing at his aggravated face.

"Stop laughing!" He yelled.

"I can't!" Rory says in between laughs.

"There's nothing fucking funny!" He said

"Totally is!" Rory says sitting back on her bed. "You are just mad!" Rory shouts.

"No!" Vance says.

"Cant admit it can you?" Rory asks smiling.

"Whatever rory!" Vance says as the two quiet down from the friendly arguing.

Anecdoche~oh you bitch~Vance hopper~Where stories live. Discover now