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OCTOBER 4TH 1980 8:17pm Rory Blake was laying down in bed listening to her favorite song, Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac, when her door started to wobble. "Who is it?" Rory said turning her head in the direction of her door turning off her red record player that she loved dearly. It took her 8 months to save up for it because her drunkie dad wouldn't buy shit for her. As if he even cared. He tried he really did, but he never succeeded. It's probably why Rory became how she was. A flat out dirtbag. She was a ball of depression mixed with anger and maybe some anxiousness. She never got the moral support she deserved and was treated like shit all her life. She always felt disgusting, and disrespected. After he mother killed herself she just couldn't handle anything anymore neither could her father. But she was the one who had to pull together and told her self to stop being a pussy and stay strong for her siblings and she did she was able to pull together unlike her father.

"It's me Rory." She heard a voice say. It was her little brother. By little only 1 year behind. She knew what it was about. He was probably to scared to go to sleep himself again. "C..can I come in?" Her little brother Finney asked in a shaky voice. Ever since he had gotten grabbed by the grabber he was traumatized at nights. He was to scared. It was obviously understandable in every way possible. The first few months were the worst all though her father was sober and treated them right for that short amount of time finney's life was a mess. It's already been two years but he was still a wreck. Especially durning the evening. Even tho he's already 15 he occasionally asked Rory if he could come sleep in her room for comfort.

"Of course finney" Rory responded watching finney come in. "What's up?" Rory asked knowing what the situation is already but still doing her best to try to get him to think that is not all she thinks about. She never rejects finneys asks to hangout or anything of that sort anymore because she is so afraid to loose him again. He was her favorite person as well as Gwen. Growing up she had a extremely hard time making friends and was often a target for bullying.

"Dont act like you don't know what this is about." Finney responds in a sadden tone. Rory hung her head down knowing that her playing stupid stopper working on finney when he was 13. "Can I just stay here tonight?" Finney asked hoping for a yes. Rory nodded her head and set up a pillow and blanket at the end of the bed were he usually sleeps. She looked over at her clock and checked the time. The clock read 8:32 already. Time flies she thought.

"You wanna watch a movie?" Rory asked pulling out her VCR tapes and sliding one into her tv. She put on jaws one of her favorite movies to watch with Finney and he enjoyed it to. It was a Friday night but Gwen was home ever since Finney went missing she stopped sleeping over at Susie's on Friday's and instead she went on Saturdays. So before you knew it Gwen and Finney were both on the floor watching jaws together while Rory was on her bed cuddled in her blankets and pillows. The fall breeze was nice coming through from her black screened windows. She was wearing her favorite black and grey striped sweater and grey sweatpants.

"Holy motherfuck!" Gwen exclaimed as the trio was watching the infamous skinny dip scene also known as the first victim. Finney was covering his mouth as Rory was letting out breathy laughs.

"How are you laughing at a moment like this?!" Finney exclaimed which made Rory just laugh harder and her brown eyes scrunch while her detailed dimples showed more.

"It's..it's just your guy's...reaction!" Rory let out in between laughs. Finney huffed and turned his attention back to the movie and it entertained the group for another 2 hours.

LATER IN evening finney and Gwen are passed out on the floor together as Rory got up she chuckled at the site of her adorable siblings. She had to tip toe to the bathroom so she didn't wake her passed out father. After she finished her business she headed back to her room to put in another tape. One of her favorite movies "psycho" and falls asleep peacefully.

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