{001} 𝖕𝖚𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖒𝖓 𝖇𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓

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RORY LOOKS TO her side where she heard the voice. It sounded familiar but not to familiar. Her face met with the infamous Vance hopper. Why was he talking to her? What did she do. "Hi..?" She said in a extremely nervous tone. Rory was a very introvert girl and she didn't really like when people she doesn't really talk to come up and telling her that reading is lame.

"What do you mean hi? I was just wondering if maybe you wanna go down to the diner with me? I just beat me Highscore and my friends left so why not?" Vance said which was a shocker to Rory he just invited her to go to the diner after beating his Highscore. That's not Vance. She swears on her life that's weird behavior.

"Oh...um ya sure.." she says stuttering in between confused on how to get her words out when Vance hopper just asked her to go to the diner with her.

"Alright. And why the hell do you keep stuttering that's so fucking annoying" he said getting up and towards the door. Rory was picking up her book until she heard "put the damn book down Rory." Rory shot up and gave him a glare that made him chuckle

"So why did you invite me to the diner?" Rory questioned she was dying to know that answer. He just shook his head and kept walking. "Why won't you talk to me? All summer we were talking and now I'm invisible what the hell is that about?" Rory said, She instantly started to shake and regretted what she said

"What the hell did you just say?" Vance asked as they kept walking. "Hm?" He repeated getting impatient waiting for a a answer

"Sorry. It's just we never talk at school. And you ignored me but all the sudden your just coming back to me? It's weird as fuck." She said trying not to get to riled up

"What? It's not like we are in a relationship we just talked. Stop getting so worried about it." Vance responded leaving Rory in embarrassment.

"Yeah...your right im sorry." She said trying to switch up the conversation. They kept walking she didn't exactly know which diner they were going to since there was 3-4 in there small town and there all close together. "Which diner are we going to?" Rory questioned

"The one down by the book shop." He said leaving a dry response. She nodded her head and kept walking. "What book are you reading anyway." Vance asked out of curiosity.

"Carrie." She said

"What's that?" Vance asked

"What do you mean?" Rory said turning her heads towards Vance confused he didn't know what Carrie was

"Like I've never heard of it what is that?" Vance asked shaking his head a shrugging

"Stephen king? Please to god tell me you've head about him?" Rory said hoping Vance wasn't stupid enough to not know who Stephen king was

"Not a clue." Vance said a smirk coming over his face.

"You can't be serious!" Rory said shoving him a little but not to hard to start a fight.

"Yes I am!" He said play hitting. Deep down he knew who Stephen king was he was doing it to clear the akward atmosphere.

"Oh my god! After we eat I'm taking you to the book store and we are most definitely getting you a Stephen king book!" Rory exclaimed as the diner came into sight

The duo walked into the diner together and stares just came there way. It was so weird to Rory. "They hell you looking at?" Vance hissed and continued walk towards a table. Rory and Vance sat down in a booth both across from each-other. Rory was looking in his eyes from a side point of view while he looked out the window. She never got to notice his pretty icy blue eyes. She loved them, and always will.

"What are you gonna get?" Rory asked making the curly blonde headed shoot his head in her direction.

"Oh just probably a burger or some shit I don't really fucking know" he said in response and Rory just rolled her eyes. "How about you?" He asked.

"I don't know, I was thinking a large thing of fries it seems good." Rory said getting a nod in response. The two sat in a comfortable silence. Until the waiter came over.

"What would you to like?" The waitress asked signaling at Vance for him to go first.

"A burger. That's it" he said quick and Stirn

"Ok, what about you pretty lady." She said to Rory which made her smile.

"Oh Umm, a basket of fries please." Rory responded. The waitress nodded and walked off.

"Pretty lady my ass" Rory mumbled which made Vance turn his head his curls bouncing along.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked confused

"She called me a pretty lady weird as fuck." Rory responded knowing how petty that sounds but she said it anyways. Vance just rolled his eyes in response.

There food finally came and the duo started eating. "How's the food." Rory asked Vance. He had a mouthful of food in his mouth

"Good." He said chomping at his food. Rory nodded.

After they finished there food Rory pulled out her wallet and Vance didn't seem to stop her. She left a 20 on the counter and the two left.

"You didn't seem to care to pay." Rory said in a rude tone

"You pulled out your wallet so I didn't stop you. I could put my money towards more useful things." Vance said rolling his eyes

"By better things you mean pinball" Rory said chuckling. Rory didn't really care she paid for it after all it wasn't her money so she really didn't care in the end.

Vance shook his head and laughed. "Just maybe." He said laughing. Rory play shoved Vance and he did the same back.

"Where are we headed to?" Rory asked.

"I'm heading to pinball, I don't know where you are going." Vance said walking towards the Grab' N Go.

"Fuck you!" Rory yelled flipping him off in a joking manner.

"You know your a two faced bitch right?" He yelled back not turning around counting to the Grab' N Go.

"Of course I do!" Rory yelled back chuckling to herself. After that she continue back to her house.

Anecdoche~oh you bitch~Vance hopper~Where stories live. Discover now