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November 23rdIT HAD BEEN QUITE A FEW DAYS since Rory and vance had forgotten and forgive, they two had became more open with the relationship and love just grew in-between them

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November 23rd
IT HAD BEEN QUITE A FEW DAYS since Rory and vance had forgotten and forgive, they two had became more open with the relationship and love just grew in-between them. Tonight was supposed to be a party, and Rory was ready. Her and Finney had plans to sneak out for the high-school party and walk down the street to the closet house, only 10 minutes away. Since that last kid disappeared there hasn't been any sightings nor any other kids gone missing.

Finney and Rory rushed into the house as it had been a stampede. "They hell? Don't slam my doors!" Their dad yelled the two sighed.

"Sorry dad." They both said quietly walking to their rooms to start getting ready as the party started at eight. Their dad gave two shits if Rory went out but finney? That's a whole other story.

"Get ready Finn, I'm telling dad I'm going to a party but just do your normal stuff alright?" Rory said, it had already been six o'clock. They spent the afternoon at the Grab N' Go and Vance had made plans to meet up with Rory at the party. This was the moment Rory realized, finney still didn't know about her and Vance. What was she going to do about that? She had no god damn clue. Not one. She just decided to go tell her dad she was going to a party and his typical response was "I don't give a shit." Rory ran to her room undressing and putting on a pair of bell bottoms and a sweater, the weather had gotten so much colder recently so she had been layering up. She walked out side letting the family know she was leaving at seven thirty.

Rory waiting outside of Finney's window for about thirty minutes until he announced he was going to bed and stuffed pillows under the blanket and quietly walked out of the window. Finney and Rory both gave Gwenny ten dollars to help keep dad out of Finney's room so they wouldn't get into huge trouble. Finney was really excited to go and he loved the feeling of sneaking out. Rory was happy for him and that she was able to help him do things.

They arrived to the house as soon as the walk in music filling their ears and the faint smell of beer, weed, and cigarettes flooded through their nose. Finney ran of to robin and Rory stood looking around for Vance hoping to find her boyfriend. He hadn't arrived yet and Charlie was walking around the corner.

"Hey rory, what are you up to?" Charlie asked Turing in her direction.

"Not much, you haven't seen Vance by any chance have you?" She asked smiling at her dear friend.

"No I don't think he is still here yet but I think he should show up soon." Charlie said. "Anyways I've got to go, catch you later."he said walking back to the drinks table and meeting up with a girl from school he had seemed to like.

"Bye!" Rory yelled going back over by the couch and talking to a few people she had known moving on person from person and growing boredom from the party. Rory smiled and walked waiting patiently for vance.

Her favorite Blondie walked through the door and smiled as he walked Rory's way passing people he talked to for a few minutes and moved on. He was definitely in a good mood, a really good mood. Rory had thought maybe he beat his score on pinball or something like that. "Hey V! You seem in a good mood." Rory said smirking and walking over to vance.

"Uh oh yea I beat my Highscore I finally did." Vance said smiling bad and wrapping his shoulder around her.

"I knew it!" Rory exclaimed causing vance to just roll his eyes.

"You just know me that well huh?" Vance said smirking.

"Yup, very well." Rory said.

"Want to go grab a drink? I'm down if you are." Vance said disconnecting from Rory's shoulder.

"Yea. I'm getting thirsty." Rory said walking over to the drink table we're she saw Charlie with the same girl from earlier in the corner doing god knows what. Vance copied her motions and walked over to the drink table.

"I'll grab our drinks, but who is the new girl Charlie took." Vance said leaning over to get a better look.

"Not sure V, she's probably one of the more quieter girls." Rory said leaning over as well to get a better look at her.

"Well he's definitely got her attention." Vance says snickering and Rory slightly hit him on the shoulder.

"Oh shut up." She said playfully rolling her eyes "go get the damn drinks." She said pushing him towards the table with loads of alcohol.

"Fine, Fine." Vance Said walking over and pouring both of them mystery punch.

"Thanks v!" Rory said sniffing the drinks and smiling.

"No prob Ror." Vance said. She swore this was definitely his soft side. Rory had chugged down the beer and all the teen were partying and having a great time. Rory noticed that finney was having a blast with Robin and Donna.

A hour later or so Rory had gotten tired of dancing and had so much alcohol in her system. "Hey Vance? You up for a smoke?" Rory slurred pulling out a pack of cigarettes and sitting on the couch by to other teens making out, and another set of teen smoking what ever they could fucking find.

"You always know I'm down for a god damn smoke." Vance said taking the one from her hand and taking out his light. Rory repeated his actions except pulling out her special lighter from bruce. Vance sat down next to her and she laid her head on his shoulder feeling lucky she had gotten a boyfriend like him. They took many drags until the cigarette was out letting the gums fill their lungs. It was really relaxing especially at a party with punching music.

After a while the night was successful except Finney was really suspicious between Vance and Rory. Rory and Finney made it home safe and without their dad finding out. Soon I'm the morning they would be hungover and such the basic party's after taste.

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