New years {029}

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Authors note

Ok guys! What's up I haven't posted in ages and I felt the urge to sooo this will be based in the new year a little under a year into there "healthier" relationship. My writing has switched up a little bit so expect something a little different. After all please enjoy (this is based on New Year's Day!)

 After all please enjoy (this is based on New Year's Day!)———————————-

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{twenty nine}
Rory's perspective

     Everything is perfect. I'm spending new years with my amazing boyfriend. When I told dad, Finney, and Gwen about Vance they weren't too happy about it. Especially Finney. I figured it out with them though. I still don't think dad approves of Vance but it's fine.

      Last night me and Vance shared a joyful loving kiss once the clocked hit 12. God already 1982? Me and Vance have changed so much. I'm turning eighteen and leaving high-school this year. For Vance on the other hand he still has another year. With me tutoring him we got him to be able to move up a grade halfway through his "sophomore year" he's just a year behind but when I leave for college he'll still be in senior year.

      We were on his mom's couch watching "The Exorcist" we were snuggled up together, and his mom was cooking chili.

     "God this movie is awful." Vance says with a sigh

     "Your awful" I responded playfully

      "Personally I think it's a scary movie." His mom yells from the kitchen. Vance rolls his eyes standing up.

    "Getting a coke you want one?" He says

     "I'm good, can you grab me some water please?" I said smiling warmly

     "Sure thing." Vance's father had left. For good. Him and his mom were so much happier and they were starting to turn for the good. Dad had gotten better too. He's sober, almost a year. I'm so proud I don't even know how to speak about it.

"Here babe." Vance says pulling me out of my thoughts. The screen shows the scene of Linda Blair tied to the bed doing some crazy demon shit.

"Thanks." I say as he sits back down. We watch until the end with Vance not giving a unsatisfied reaction.

"I'm sick of this, let's go to my room." This usually translates to "let's open my window and smoke a blunt" I agreed and trailed behind him. I sat on his chair and he pulled a couple of rolled blunts out of his drawer.

"Here you go." He says handing me one. I light it, take a swing, and pass it to him. Smoke fills my brain and we are both sitting on his bed. He lays down as I stay sat up against a pillow. This room will never get old. It has posters all around. Rock posters, there  were hidden stashes of love notes along the walls from Rory, the Walkman she gave him for Christmas the year before. She was fiddling with the necklace her father got her over a year ago. Before she knew it she laid down and she was fast asleep.

       She woke up around 4 in the afternoon to see Vance asleep too. She decided to quietly leave and let his mom know she was leaving. The walk home was short and cold but calming. It was dark but she saw her house. She walked in with a warm smile to see her brother sitting on pillows in the living room. Gwen was in her room doing god knows what and her dad was out grocery shopping.

         "What's up finney." She said taking her boots off at the front and putting her coat up.

       "Not much is..Vance?" He said.

       "Uh good, why are you asking?"

      "Just curious. I guess."

     "Ok..." I trailed off after that awkward interaction. I went to Gwen's room to check in and she was fine. I went up to my room twiddling with the other necklace I had from Vance, the butterfly one, but still feeling a little wobbly from the blunts earlier but I pulled out my cigarettes and my special lighter.

{flashback 1977 December 31st}

      "Bruce! Shutup!" I laughed pushing him onto the couch. Finney was laughing and Gwen was sitting on the chair talking to Bruce's sister.

      "Rory likes Vance Rory likes Vance." Bruce mocks me making everyone laugh.

    "No I don't!" I roll my eyes annoyed. "Ugh! You're so annoying."

     The clock was close to 12 and we were all having fun. Me and Bruce decide to go outside to take a walk. I grabbed a cigarette out of my pocket "want one?" I asked.

    "Nah you know I don't do that." Bruce responds

    "Shit I don't have a lighter." I said annoyed.

    "Oh here." He said smiling.

    "Thanks man." I responded. "About earlier"

    "Oh.... I'm sorry I just thought.." he said sighing

    " no it's fine I just, I just don't like you like that." I say lighting the cigarette. Earlier Bruce tried to kiss me and I pulled away quickly.
"I promise it's fine, and I still want to be your best friend but I just don't like you like that."

    "Thankyou Rory. I understand." He said as I pull him into a hug as my jacket slides down and the cold air hits me.

That was the night I didn't give back his lighter.

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