𝕱𝖊𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 {027}

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February 22nd 1981
RORY WOKE UP with her window half open and her record spinning. She opened her bed-side table drawer and looked at the opened cigarette pack. She had 2 left and guessed she got a little out of hand the night before.

February 21st 9:00 pm
"Shh my dads sleeping." Rory said pulling vance in threw the window giggling.

"Obviously I know that." He responded sitting on her bed. "Your bed is to fucking hard you need another mattress."

"I'm broke let's remember that." Rory said rolling her eyes.

"I brought another pack of cigs like you asked." He said pulling the box out of her Jean pocket.

"Thanks.." she said sighing. Vance smiled pulling his lips in and puffing put his cheeks. The cold air was falling threw the window and wind hitting the two of there faces. Finney was spending the night out at robins and Gwen was at her other friends. So it was just her dad and Rory and she used the opportunity to hang out with Vance, tomorrow it had been Rory's birthday anyways and she was soon to turn 17.

After a few minutes passed rory pulled out a cigarette and stuck her head out the window to light the cigarette with her lighter from Bruce. Her special lighter. "Hand me one." Vance Said sighing to.

Rory pulled out a cigarette for Vance with her cigarette in her mouth still facing out the window so she wouldn't stink up the house with the smoke. This had become a weekly occurrence for the two of them it was just cigarettes out the window.

"I need a lighter dumbass" Vance said sticking his head out the window as-well. She handed him Bruce's lighter and regretted it.

"Who's BY?" Vance asked.

"Uhm don't worry about it, it's just a old friend." She replied.

"No I'm asking who the hell is it?" Vance demanded.

"It's Bruce Yamada, we were friends." Rory said still tearing up at the thought of her best friend.

"Bruce? The Asian kid?"  Vance said without any sympathy.

"Yea Vance can I have the lighter back now please?" She asked.

"Yea whatever." He said plainly throwing the lighter at her and throwing the last of the cigarette on the outside ground.

"Do you not like Bruce or something." Rory asked confused.

"I never cared about him you just seem attached to that goddamn lighter." He said scoffing "I've never even seen the damn thing before"

"I always give you my other one it just important to me." She said sighing.

"Whatever he's dead anyways." Vance said. Rory's face dropped. How could he say that? She tried to hold her tears back.

"What the hell vance?" Rory said

"Just being honest." He responded.

"Fuck you dude." Rory said staring at him.

"I did nothing fucking wrong why are you getting so dramatic." Vance said.

"Whatever." She said. Stuffing the box of cigarettes in her side table.

"Fuck it. I'm gonna go ma will be worried anyways." Vance said jumping out of the window. He left rory sitting on the bed with her knees pulled to her chest in her large sweater and short spandex. She cried quietly think she was the who fucked up. It wasn't even Vance she was really worried about it was Bruce she missed him. She stuck her head back out the window and lighted another cig. Her mascara ran down her face. She was nauseous to her stomach by the time she finished the cigarette. Her breath smelt like pure smoke.

She laid in bed thinking. Intrusive thoughts came in and out. What if she could have replaced herself with Bruce and be the dead one.

February 22nd (resumed from the beginning)

Her eyes were heavy and red not the best way to start her birthday. Finny and Gwen knocked on her bedroom door telling her to come out and go to the living room.

"Ror! Come on!" Gwen shouted.

"I'm coming I'm coming" Rory said walking out of her room as finny covered her eyes and Gwen leading her to the living room.

"Surprise!" Gwen and finny yelled letting his hands leave her eyes. It was two new jackets. It was the one she had been wanting for Along time actually.

"Guys! What? Thankyou oh my god you guys are the best siblings ever!" Rory exclaimed. She had really been needing new jackets.

"Applaus to us" finny said smiling. Terrence walked out into the living room smiling at his daughter.

"Happy birthday dear." He said "we made you pancakes and there is syrup on the counter."  Rory smiled and rushed in the kitchen to eat.

After lunch Rory just spent the rest of the day walking around and sorta missing vance. She was excited to spend the day with him. She went up to the Grab N' Go and saw him through the window with something's in his hand she didn't think much of it and headed home.

Rory laid in bed reading her book that she had been trying to finish and heard a tap in the window.

"What the gell was that." She mumbled annoyed. Sitting up from her bed she sees the curly head on her roof with flowers and a tiny box. She rolled her eyes and opened the window. "What do you need."

"Happy birthday rory." Vance said sighing. Rory just gave him a blank stare in annoyance. "Look I didn't mean to hurt you and I'm so fucking sorry." He said frowning. "I couldn't sleep last night i feel fucking horrible."

Rory just frowned and started to close the window. "I miss you!" He said before the window closed.

"Don't waste your time on me you already the voice inside my head." She said annoyed.

"Look Rory. I didn't know it meant that much to you. I was being insensitive." Vance said. "Just please take the gift" he said pushing the gift through her window. She shut the window and he climb off the roof.

Rory looked at the flowers and they were pretty pink tulips. She opened the little box and it was a pretty little butterfly necklace with a note.

Rory thought "that's all he sent?" She looked at the pretty necklace and threw it on her bedside table

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Rory thought "that's all he sent?" She looked at the pretty necklace and threw it on her bedside table. She was still upset.

Anecdoche~oh you bitch~Vance hopper~Where stories live. Discover now