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RORY WAS TRYING TO FIGURE out what she was going to do with Samantha and how she was going to get her home

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RORY WAS TRYING TO FIGURE out what she was going to do with Samantha and how she was going to get her home. She had a fair share of drinks to so you could say that Rory was tipsy. She sat down on the couch drowning in her thoughts. "Hey you alright rory?" Someone had asked her sitting down. Everyone seemed to go back to the party per usual after a kid getting sucker punched. She turned her head.

"Oh yea I'm fine charlie don't worry about it." She responded to his comment.

"Oh alright, hey but if you do need anything I'm here." Charlie said to her and walked off. The two had been friends for a while. The only reason they really were friends was because the two were both friends with Bruce and they were both devastated when he went missing and they helped each-other through that time.

The time read 11:34 pm it was close to midnight and Rory was getting sick of the party. They had school in the morning and she couldn't skip again. Her head was hurting from all the alcohol she had. She was on her fourth cup and she was about done. Vance walked back through the doors but he went on and did his own thing. She scooted over on the couch to meet a duo that was most likely a couple she was guessing. The drunkness was hitting Rory by now and she was getting woozy.

"Hey dude! You smoke?" The dude sitting by Rory asked.

"Oh yea. I love smoking." Rory's drunk thoughts said.

"Alright lady." The girl said pulling out a joint. "My name is Rica and that is josh." The girl now known as Rica said. Rory nodded.

"I'm Rory." She slurred taking the joint from josh. She took some in and breathed it out. Rica and josh threw their heads back causing Rory to copy their actions. Closing her eyes she felt the world of LaLa land come over her. "What the fuck did you guys give to her?!" She heard a voice yell.

"Chill out my dude it's just a little pot." Josh said back.

"Rory are you alright?" She heard a voice causing her to lift up her head. The blurry curly blonde headed teen in her view holding her shoulders.

"It's alright don't worry vancey." She said to him.

"That shit was laced with something. What the fuck Rica?" Vance said his tone getting more and more aggressive.

"Nothing man just little little sprinkles" she said laughing and closing her eyes. It was a lost cause.

"You need to get home right now Rory." Vance said to her.

"You really think I can get home right now? I'm completely...hammered." She said chuckling.

Robin and Finney walked into the house seeing Rory completely damaged. Finn was able to go to party's since he was already a sophomore same for robin. Gwen was probably at home already sleeping. No way Rory could go back home it would be terrible and she knew that even in her drunk train of thought.

"What the hell happened to her!" Robin asked Vance.

"She had some shit I don't know what the fuck it was we need to bring her somewhere that's not her own fucking house" that was the last thing Rory heard before blacking out

Rory woke up in a room filled with posters. Mainley rock and movies. She looked over to the clock and time read 5:56 she sat up and the shot of pain went up in her head. She looked around to see the curly blonde changing in the corner she immediately turned around and laid back in bed. "Jesus finally your up." She heard coming from the blonde.

"Hey what happened last night?" she said turning towards Vance. He had his hair up in a ponytail with some strands hanging out making him look so unbelievably hot.

"You had to much pot and passed out." He said to her. She shook her head. "There is Tylenol on the bedside table." Vance said expecting she was going to have a howling headache all day.

"Thanks." She said and he just nodded with no reply. She dry mouthed the Tylenol and got out of the bed. Still wearing her outfit from the night before that's all she will have to deal with. "And not only thanks for that but thanks for saving my ass last night."

"Yeah yeah." Vance said to her "My mom is home probably downstairs or in her room sleeping.." Rory nodded and got up to leave

"Ill um..se you at school" Rory said.

"Hey make sure my Ma knows your awake she was worried about you." He said as she walked out.

"Will do!" Rory yelled. "Hi misses hopper last night was just a little crazy and I thank you so much for letting me stay the night." Rory said as she faced the kind women infront of her.

"No problem hun..I'm hoping I'll see you around more." Vance's mother said telling the Rory was in a rush.

"Alright, bye ms hopper!" Rory yelled slamming the door behind her. She ran down the old stairs and hit the pavement. And walked slowly down her way to school. It started at 6:30 but it was already 6:11 and she always liked getting there a bit early. It hit her that she wasn't home all night. The worst thing was, her father. There was a good chance she would be getting a beating the moment she gets home. Walking to school and drowning it thoughts sucked.

She eventually made it to the building and walked inside to her first class science. She saw a couple girls and two other boys in there but that was it. she sat in her seat silently and grabbed her notes.

After her next three periods it was lunch time and she went to sit by robin, finney, and Gwen.

"Holy shit Rory I thought something happened to you!" Robin said hugging her. He was like another little brother to her.

"You got really fucking lucky Rory dad was asleep the whole time and didn't know you were out or even left home." Gwen said stabbing her Mac N Cheese

"She's right on that one sis you got close." Finn said to her

"Yea I know, I'm really sorry about last night I didn't mean for any of that to happen guys." Rory said being sincere feel bad she left her brother and sister alone in the house with her dad.

The lunch bell rang and it was time to go to fourth period which was maths. Thank god Samantha was in that period with her.

"Oh my god Rory what dose everyone mean you slept at Vance's last night?"

Anecdoche~oh you bitch~Vance hopper~Where stories live. Discover now