𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1

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Now here I was standing in the halls from the nevermore academy, waiting for my headmaster to show me around. After some minutes of waiting a very tall woman with fair hair walked up to me.

"You must be Y/n Y/l/n, right ?", the tall Lady asked me with a smile on her red tinted lips. For some seconds I was just staring at her. She truely was a beautiful woman. She was dressed in a beige long dress and heels, in which she was around 6'7 feet tall. Because of the height difference, I needed to look up to her,suddently feeling very small. When I realized she was expecting a response I lightly shook my head and cleared my troat. "Well-sorry. Yes, yes I am Y/n."

"Nice to meet you young Lady, I am Headmistress Larissa Weems, come with me, I will show you your room and some other rellevant places."
On the way we talked about the school and what students here are. There are werewolfs, vampires, sirens and more, but I didn't really keep track of all the informations she told me because I really had to focus on following her through all the halls. Ms. Weems also showed me the big library, the dining halls, some classrooms, the headmasters room, which was hers obviously, and at least my room.

She opened up a wooden door with an antique looking key and the door opened with a loud creek. "Well, here we are. You are sharing a room with Wednesday Addams. If you need anything, you can always come to me."
Her smile, which rested on her pretty face, made my chest arche. God how could a human be this pretty and have such a soft soul ? I new this woman for maybe an hour and I was already falling for a woman about 15 years older and some feet taller than me additionally that was MY HEADMISTRESS. Great start I would say...

I know this was short but the next ones get longer:))

𝚖𝚜. 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 || Larissa WeemsWhere stories live. Discover now