𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 8

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On the next day ,at around 9 am, I was on my way with Marilyn. After I told her Larissa and I go to the ball "together" she begged me to go buy an outfit with her, until I finally said yes. So now I sat here besides Marilyn in her small audi A1 on our way to some shops.

"Are you more the suit or dress type of woman?" the redhead suddently asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
"Mostly suits, but I also want to try on some dresses. I'll just look what catches my eye."
"Great and I will be your little helper! We will find an outfit for you that will take Larissas breath away, I promise! Now would you like to listen to some music?"
Marilyn was head over heels about the Raven and my look and everything and when she's exited, she starts to talk...a lot. Not that I mind she also listens interested when I'm telling her about things i'm passionate about. That's what good friendship should look like.

"Yes!! Do you have some Lady gaga? I crave for the whole Born this way album at the moment!"

Marilyn said nothing, just smirking once again. Her eyes were fixated on the street so she just motioned for me to open the glovelocker.(i think that's the right word lol)

I did as she said and when I opened it up my eyes widened. The locker was full with CDs from Lady gaga, Lana del rey and Stevie Nicks.

"You've got exactly my music taste, Marilyn. That's almost creepy..." We both laughted while I shoved in the CD.
The rest of the car ride was loud, we both screaming the lyrics from "marry the night", "scheiße" and more along.

When we arrived in the little shopping mall, we looked for a shop, I found interesting.
"Let's go in there first, I want to try on some dresses first. I already have an idea..."

We went inside and looked around for some dresses and I got two I liked. A tight black cut out dress and a white long silk dress. Marilyn sat in a armchair, waiting for me to come out of the changing room to show her the first dress.

Meanwhile me in the changing room was almost dressed in the white dress. I looked in the mirrow and already liked it, what suprised me. Most of the times I fell not that comfortable in dresses but I liked that one actually. I stepped outside the changing room and went over to Marilyn.

"So that's the first one..."
Marilyn's eyes turned from her phone on her lap to me, looking me up and down.
"Turn around" she ordered, her facial expression unreadable. When I turned around I just felt like I was 11 again, shopping with my mum and her asking me do serveral things in clothes SHE liked...

"I love it! It's plain but elegant and I am very sure Larissa's knees will go weak if you wear this dress!"

A smile on both of our faces told me that this dress is the one, even though I liked the black dress as well.
"So...I should buy this one?" I asked Marilyn.
"Yes, but I want to see the second one too!" Marilyn had definitely more fun than me in this whole "buying a dress for the raven thing". But still I looked forward to the raven happily.

God, this will be a long shopping day...


Back at nevermore I gave Marilyn the bag with my dresses, because Larissa wasn't supposed to see them now. Yes, I bought them both because I couln't decide which one I wanted to wear. I guess I will make it a last-minute choice.

"Larissa honey, I'm back!" I called while I stepped inside her room, but no response. I got suspicious and looked for her in her bedroom. I opened the door and my heart melted at the view. Larissa laid in her bed in one of MY hoodies, cuddled into one of her 10 pillows and slept looking like an angel.

"God you are so cute..." I mumbled to myself trying not to wake her up.
I walked over to her bed and laid behind her placing my arms around her waist and burying my face in her blonde hair.I laid there for some seconds before she suddently moved and turned around in my arms.

"Since when are you back?" Her voice wasn't more than a wisper, but since her head was in the crook of my neck I still heard her.
"Just some minutes...Sorry I woke you up.." I mumbled and finished my sentence with a kiss on her fair locks. Slowly Larissa pulled her face out of my neck to look me in the eyes still looking a bit tired. "I missed you..." she looked at me like a abandoned puppy her lower lip stretched out. Of course she was just acting but still it melted my heart away.

For the 100th time of the day I pulled her in for a loving kiss, before pulling back to look at her again
"Did you get your outfit for the raven?" Her eyes were suddently wide open like she didn't sleep two minutes ago and an exited expression on her face.

"Oh yes I did!" I knew her next move so I placed my finger on her lips and told her she won't see it till the actual raven.
"You're evil y/n!"
"I know, I know...But still I won't show ya!"

Larissa made a fake grumpy face and sniffled about absolutely nothing. "You're such a bad actor, honey." I chuckled at her gorgeous fake expression.
"Then I won't show you mine too!" she said before poking out her tongue to me. "Your so childish sometimes." I managed to tell her before I broke out in laughter and she just looked at me, before joining in and showing me her pretty smile.

Ik this chapter isn't more than some fluff but I need to built up the storyline i have in mind...
I decided to make this story like 10 chapters long and the next two will be more interesting!

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