𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7

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It's already two weeks ago, since the little rendez-vous in Larissas office. There is still something going on between Larissa and me and everything went quite well, nobody noticed till now, exept...

𝓽𝔀𝓸 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓼 𝓪𝓰𝓸 𝓪𝓽 𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓻...

I sat at the dinner table with Larissa, waiting for Mrs. Thornhill. I already took a shower after the 'office thing' and put on some comfy clothes. Larissa also looked like nothing happened, when she reapplied her usual red lipstick. After some minutes I saw Mrs. Thornhill walking towards us, a plate with food in her hands and a smirk? Yes it definitely was a smirk on her lips.

"Hey you two, what did you two do after breakfast?" she asked us both the smirk still on her lips.
I turned my head to Larissa in disbelieve and she looked back to me the same way, eyes wide open, red cheeks and mouth in a straight line. She couldn't know, could she?
Larissa opened her mouth first.
"We just were in my office uhm-talking about some things..." Every fucking idiot could have told that she lied about the way she said it, the unusual shyness overcame her, like when I found her in her room that night...

Now Mrs. Thornhill started to laught. "Oh please, if you wanna lie to me you need to do it good because girls I heard you." She didn't stop chuckling but still...


"Excuse me?" Larissa almost screamed out.
"Don't you try lying to me Larissa, I knew between you both was a tension and I was right, I always am."
Mrs. Thornhill proudly said while raising a head like the lionking.
My troat went dry and I just sat there, trying to process what Mrs. Thornhill just said. Larissa must have looked the same way.

"Oh don't you both look at me like that. Obviously I LOVE you both together and I won't tell anybody! What a monster do you both think I am?!"
(Wanting to kill everybody in the school?? Just kidding guys HAHA)

Once again I looked beside me finding Larissas eyes on mine. Suddently I started laughing and soon Larissa and Mrs. Thornhill joined me.

𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓽𝓸 𝓷𝓸𝔀...

That's how Mrs. Thornhill, or how I am allowed to call her now, Marilyn found out about us. She also became my best friend after Larissa, even though we are more than that. But actually we aren't 'girlfriends' or something, because we wanted to take it slow after we both said 'I love you' after like two days...

But I guess we're not the type of people who take it slow, like I'm sleeping with in her room and also on the day we hang on one another. We just weren't in a official relationship

"Y/n, are you listening darling?" Larissa's soft voice pulled me out of my trance. Now I remember I actually am supposed to follow the film, which goes on in front of me. "Yes, of course!" I snapped my head around to turn my attention on 'ocean's 8' instead of staring at the tall beauty laying besides me on her bed. We both were tangeled together under a fluffy blanket.

"So what did I say then?"
She got me. Shit.
"Uhm- Ok SORRY I zoned out your just so beautiful Larissa..." I tried to tease her like that and moved my face to hers stopping just a few inches apart from her lips before quickly pecking them and pulling back, continuing to watch the movie as nothing happened.

"So what I was trying to tell you is...this weekend is the Raven. It's just like a ball. You know dressing up fancy and dancing and music." she started to ramble leaving out her real question.

"Sounds fun! Go on."
"So what I was refering to... would you go with me. Not as an official date, but just for us two to know..."
she broke the eyeconcact blushing. Oh she was so gorgeous everytime she went shy on me.

"YES,yes,yes of course, I would love to!"

She looked up back into my eyes with her ocean blue ones and smiled like a child on christmas.

Without another word she leaned in and kissed my lips passionately, while her hands took place on my cheeks to caress them.
"I...love...you...so...much..." I mumbled in between small kisses. She pulled back first, in need for air.

"I know you do...you say it like 100 times a day!"
her ironically annoyed voice appeared.

"Oh you better are grateful for me!" I joined in this ironic conversation lightly slapping her forearm.

Suddently her strong arms pulled me in a tight hug, it's a wonder I managed to keep breathing.

"You know I am so happy and gratefull to have you, Y/n. Don't you forget it anytime...Oh and I love you too my darling." she wispered in my hair before attacking it with little kisses.
Her grip on me loosened up so I managed to look up at her.
"I'm tireAHWH." I could even finish my sentence, when a loud yawn interrupted me. Larissa chuckled, grabbing the remote to put out the tv.
"Me too. Let's get some sleep..." with that Larissa also put out the little light and cuddled herself into me. I felt her breath getting slower on the skin of my neck and closed my eyes too.

"Good night, love you Larissa..." I mumbled with already closed eyes. Then I heard Larissas voice one last time for this day, before we both drove off to sleepland.

"I love you more, sleep well."

I know it's short i'm sorry but i need to built up a storyline. I hope you like it either way hehe
Btw ocean's 8 is a fantastic movie, isn't it???

-love c

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