𝓮𝔁𝓽𝓻𝓪 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1

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Me and Larissa had been together 6 months, when I had decided, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

I had told Larissa to keep her afternoon free, on a certain friday, on which I had decided I wanted to finally propose to her. I already bought a pretty proposal ring. I had bought it some weeks before the proposal day with Marilyn.

𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓼 𝓪𝓰𝓸

"Y/nnn! We are already late! The jewelier will close in 2 hours and if you want to have enought time, we need to go noww!" Marilyn called though my shared room with Larissa.
Marilyn was always more than punctual on time, she hated to be late, even if it was just a minute.

"Coming, Mary!" I yelled back, looking in the mirrow one last time. My long hair fell in loose waves over my shoulders and my body was dressed in some normal jeans and black a top.
I quickly ran to the door, where Marilyn already stood, with an annoyed look on her face. I knew she didn't mean it like that, as always.

On our car ride, we had several conversations how I should propose or not. To be honest I was quite nervous, what if my clumsy me would do something wrong? On the other had it was Larissa, who I'd proposed to.


"Mary look at this one, I think I found the one!" I called for my best friend though the jewelier. I found a pretty silver ring with a emerald green gemstone on top.
Marilyn's eyes went wider as she saw the little piece of silver in my hands.
"This one is so pretty! I agree, this is the one!" Marilyn smiled as wide as the cheshire cat.
"I'm gonna buy this one!"

𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂

That was the story, how I bought Larissa's ring. At this point it was packed in a darkblue little velvet box, which rested in my nightstand. I definitely needed to remember to put it in the picnic basket for later. I was already 3 pm, so I slowly made myself ready. I took a long, hot shower and put on some body lotion afterwards.

I decided for an casual outfit, since we had a picnic in the woods near the lake. I put on a basic black mini dress with tights and put a darkblue cardigan over it. On my feet were my oldschool doc martins and some colorful socks, which dissapeared in my shoes.
I decided to curl my hair a bit and braided two smaller braids on each side of my head. When I had applied my usual makeup, it was already 4.44 pm.

So 12 minutes left until Larissa would stand in front of our room. Fortunately I already prepared some food like cookies, baguette with different spreads and a bottle red wine. I packed it all in the basket and remembered to also take the ring out of my nightstand.

As I was putting on some chapstick, the door flew open and my girlfriend got inside our room.
Larissa made her way over to me and laid her arms around my waist.
"Hey darling, how was you day?" Larissa's oh so sweet voice filled the room.
"Very well my love, what about you?"
Larissa hesitated for a second and let out a heavy sigh.
"Exhausting...butttt I am very happy now that we have some alone time." Larissa ended her scentence with a short kiss on my cheek. I turned in her arms and gave her a real kiss on the lips.

Since the lake would have been quite a way if we went there by foot, we got in Larissa's car.
The car ride was filled with a comfortable silence, Larissa was focused on the road and I looked out the window. Still, Larissa's hand laid comfortingly on my leg, occasionally pulling her hand away to gear shift.

As we arrived, the sun was already going down and dived the sky in pretty pastel orange and pink tones.
It was really the perfect occasion for what I had planned.

Larissa and I spread the fluffy blanket over the dried grass and took out our little buffet. Afterwards we sat down starting to eat, since I didn't eat something since like 6 hours? And I knew Larissa was also starved, when a piece of baguette with eggplant cream dissapeared behind her usual red painted lips.

After some time, we were done eating and just sat besides each other, with interwined hands and my head on Larissa's shoulder.
In front of us, played the sky a colorful scenery, formed in a beautiful sunset, the reflecion on the water.

"This view is breathtaking..." Larissa wispered into the quietness.
"Not as stunningly breathtaking as you, my love."
I confessed to Larissa, while she turned to face me.

"You know when I first saw you I thought the same. When you walked down the halls of nevermore, swaying your hips so seductive, I thought I would lose my mind. But I don't love you for that only, I love you for your caring and loving nature. For being there whenever I need you and that I can count on you. I love you Larissa and I will love you as long as I live."

With the ending of my speech I saw tears falling down from Larissa's ocean blue eyes and by the wetness on my cheeks, I must have been crying too.

I got up, standing on my now slightly shaking legs. I took Larissa by suprise, when I reached down for her hand to pull her up as well.
"Wow I'm doing this for real..." I mumbled to myself, the nervousness taking over now.

"My love, I want to spend the rest of my live directly beside you. I want to go to sleep with you and wake up with you..."
I went down on one knee making Larissa slap her hand on her mouth.

"So would you Larissa Weems, my beloved soulmate, marry me?"

In Larissa's eyes formed a literally waterfall, while she nooded her head vigorously. I myself was ruining my makeup as well, since I couldn't stop crying.
I opened the little velvet box, revealing the silver ring I picked out for Larissa.
I got up shoving the piece of silver on her ringfinger, while Larissa wiped her tears away.

"Are you done now?" Larissa asked me suddently.
She definitely took me by suprise, what?

My questions were answered, when Larissa pulled out a little red box.

Wait, what?!

"Well I guess you were faster than me but anyways..." Larissa mumbled between cute little sniffs.

"Y/n I want to spend the rest of my live with you as well. I can't imagine a life without you anymore. Before I met you, my days were dull and always the same. I thought I lived for my job, which I thought I loved the most...well until I met you, my darling."

She mirrowed my pevious actions and went down on one knee looking up into my tear stained face. From my eyes escaped more and more tears, it seemed like it would never stop.

"So would you, Y/n Y/l/n make me the happiest woman alive and marry me?" Larissa really needed to contain herself, her emotional side showing itself.

"I would love nothing more my soon to-be wife."
And as she finally got up I laid my lips on hers, tasting our mixed tears on her lips. I never had such a kiss, so true and passionate. The time seemed to stand still, the only thing that mattered was 𝓱𝓮𝓻 and only her.

With the lack of oxigen in our lungs, we pulled back, holding deep eyecontact for a while, until Larissa opened her mouth at first.

"We gonna get married..."

"Yes, we gonna get married."

- ༉ ‧ ₊˚ . *
This chaper is so cheesy but I guess that is what we all want
PLS CHECK OUT MY ONESHOTS til I am back with the wedding chapter🫣
As always Stay gay & slay

𝚖𝚜. 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 || Larissa WeemsWhere stories live. Discover now