𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 6

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Again smutwarning.

"𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮"

With that she picked me up kissing me rough again.
She sat me down on her desk and pulled my sleeve over my head, leaving me in my black silk bra. Her eyes flicked down once, staring at my chest. Suddently she turned around and went to the door, leaving me confused on the desk, but then I heard a click and I realized she just locked the door. I almost forgot we're in her office.

Larissa turned on her heels and walked back to me, swaying her hips.
Holy shit she was so hot I almost lost my conciousness. "Fuck Larissa you're so hot" I breathed out my heart pumping uncontrollably.

Once again she pulled me in a passionate kiss, but her kisses trailed down my jaw and neck fast. When she found my sweet spot, she suddently sucked hard on my neck, clearly leaving a hickey. Her hands, which were on my shoulders, travelled down to my back and rested over the back of my bra.
Her head came back up to look me in my eyes lovingly but still filled with lust.
"Can I?" she asked, while her forehead rested on mine. My mouth was dry, so I just nooded.
"Words, darling." I knew she did this on purpose.

It wasn't more than a wimper but she heard it and clipped open my bra. She slowly striped down the straps from my bra with her slender fingers, causing goosebumps all over my arms and back. She finally took off my bra and smashed it anywhere behind her in some corner. For some moments, she just stood there, looking intensely mesmerized at my bare chest.

Her hands glided lightly over my chest like I was made out of porcelain and she was afraid to break it. "You're damn pretty y/n." she mumbled more to herself than me, her eyes still fixated on my breasts.

Her mouth and hand came nearer and nearer to my chest until my chest met her hand and lips. She kissed over my left breast while the right got caressed by her hand. Larissa started sucking and licking on my nipples. Some quiet wimpers and moans escaped my mouth, trying not to be loud, as we still were in her office and people could hear us.

Her lips left my chest and went down to my stomach. Her hands found the button of my slacks and opened them up. I lifted up my hips slightly so she could slide down my trousers from my legs, which she did without mercy. Now I sat there just in my already soaked black lingerie. Her eyes roamed over my almost naked body hungryly.

Once again Larissa kissed me on my lips, while her tongue entered my mouth, fighting for dominace which she got obviously.

While our made out session she tugged on my slip, motioning for me to lift up my hips once again. I did as she wanted and quickly sat there without a little pice of fabric on my skin.
"Yes, please..." I interrupted her, already knowing she wanted to ask for permission again. I loved how caring she was with me and that she has got a soft spot.

Her hands suddently were on my hips pulling me to the edge of the desk, so that she had better access for what she was going to do.

Caused of her height she went down on her knees to be on the level with my core.
Larissa kissed her way over my legs to my core before laying her lips there were I wanted them the most. "Spread your legs darling." she ordered looking up and staring in my eyes.

I'm going insane.

I did as she asked, giving her a perfect view over how wet I was already. "All this wet for me..."

With that she finally laid her lips on my bundle of nerves and started sucking slowly. I had to bite my lip so hard to not moan, that it almost started to bleed.

"oh God Larissa more..." I managed to breath out while Larissa worked me up. "How was that?" she asked me after suddently stopping her actions.
"Good girl, that's what I wanted to hear."
She continued her former actions and added two of her fingers, pushing them into my entrance.
I lost control over myself and moaned out a loud 'mhm'. When I saw that Larissa didn't care, I stopped trying to muffle my moans and just let them out, but still not as loud as I normally did.

"Fuck...I'mHM cumming...Larissa CHRIST"
"Then let go and cum for me love" Larissa mumbled still facing my lower parts.
And with one last flick of her tongue I came as hard as never before. Holy shit this woman is magical.

She still let me ride out my orgasm with her fingers slowing down but already removed her lips from my now sensible clit. My heart was pounting as hell when Larissa carefully pulled out her fingers and put them in front of my mouth, motioning for me to clean them up. I did as she wished and moaned at my taste.

Then she kissed me again mixing our saliva together.
"God you're mouth and hands work magic" I wispered after I finally caught my breath.
"You loved it."
"Yes I did...much. And I love you." It slipped out of my mouth without my permission, praying she didn't hear it. But of couse heaven's against me and she did.

"Sorry I didn't mean to- I know we know each other-"
I was rambling in panic but she cut me off with a kiss. I didn't kiss back directly, not realizing what is going on. But then she said "I love you too y/n" against my lips. My eyes widened not realizing what she just said
"You do?"
"How could I not?"

I crashed my lips into hers kissing her like my live would depend on it. I smiled into it and a single tear ran down my cheek. When we broke the kiss, I saw that Larissa also had a big smile on her lips and her beautiful blue eyes were watery.

Larissa Weems, my stunning blond haired headmistress said she loved me too. I'm the happiest human alive.

Please read!
I think you noticed I tried to not use the word pussy lmao
Btw I don't know if this sucks or not 💀

Feel free to leave ideas for the next chapter, I also don't want to make this story very long, as I am more of a oneshot writer....
Tell me how you find this chapter !

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