𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3

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I was on my way to Ms. Weems' room, to let her know that Wednesday once again is writing and won't stop. I calmed myself down on my way through the hallways, not wanting to wake up anyone.

When I arrived at Ms. Weems door, I was already going to knock on the door but stopped when I heard a quiet muffled 'yes' coming from the inside of Ms. Weems room.

What the bloody hell?!
Once again there was a 'yes' but it was more of a moan and a bit louder than the first. My eyes widened in shock, at the same time jealous spread trough my whole body. Is Ms. Weems sleeping with someone? Of course she had a partner. How stupid am I to think a godess like her doesn't have one?!

And who is it or...is she touching herself? Just the thought of her naked and moaning makes my core trob. "Yes oh Y/n !" came from her room. At this point my eyes where opened so wide, they could have fallen out. Is she touching herself while thinking of me? No she can't be. What would such a woman want from me?

My questions were answered with my name falling off her lips once again.
I didn't know what to do but my hands decided to open the door to Weems' room almost on their own.
I went inside watching my headmistress pleasing herself while quietly moaning my name.

"What have we here?" I asked with a raspy voice to make my preserence known. Ms. Weems eyes shot open and immediately put her hand away from her core and closed her legs.
"Y/n what the fuck are you doing here?! You-you should be asleep!" she looked like a deer in flashlight.
"Oh please...The question is what YOU are doing here and you said if Wednesday is disturbing my sleep, I'm always allowed to come to you. And since when are you cursing Ms. Weems?" On my lips lasted a shit eating grin.

Suddently my voice was so dominant and Ms. Weems said nothing more.
"Cat got your tongue?" I chuckled at how I played with her.
"Uhm- no? I am so sorry... You should go." she burried her face in her hands, I'm sure she is tomato red from embarrasment. "Oh Ms. Weems don't be embarrassed you looked so hot moaning out my name."

In one second she snapped her head up, to finally look me in the eyes and I saw her normally blue eyes now being black, filled with pure lust.

After holding eyecontact for some time, I slowly walked to her. I was directly standing in front of her, our faces only a few inches apart. I considered if I should lock our lips or not. "Ms. Weems..." I wispered while I put my hand on the back of her neck, caressing the back of her neck, feeling goosebumps all over it.

"Please call me Larissa, darling"


The next chapter will be pure smut btw...
-c 😃

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